1.TD 3.5.1Tehnologia potezelor mobilizabile acrilice /

Technology of acrylic removable prostheses

2.TD 3.5.2Ortodonţie şi Ortopedie dento-facială / Orthodontics and dental – facial orthopedicsIII5th2
3.TD 3.5.3Tehnologia protezelor metalo-ceramice /

Technology of metal-ceramic prosthesises

4.TD 3.5.4Tehnologii informatice cu aplicare în laboratorul de tehnică dentară / IT technologies with application in the dental laboratoryIII5th4
5.TD 3.5.5Chirurgie orală și OMF / Oral surgery and OMFIII5th4
6.TD 3.5.6Sănătate publică şi management / Public health and managementIII5th2
7.TD 3.5.7Pregătirea lucrării de licenţă I / Preparation of the bachelor’s thesis I III5th2
8.TD 3.6.8Pregătirea protezelor mobilizabile scheletate / Preparation of skeletonized removable prosthesesIII6th8
9.TD 3.6.9Tehnologia protezelor integral ceramice / The technology of all-ceramic prosthesesIII6th4
10.TD 3.6.10Tehnologia protezelor pe implanturi / The technology of prostheses on implantsIII6th6
11.TD 3.6.11Tehnologia aparatelor și protezelor chirurgicale / Technology of surgical apparatus and prosthesesIII6th4
12.TD 3.6.12Tehnologia aparatelor ortodontice / Technology of orthodontic appliancesIII6th4
13.TD 3.6.13Pregătirea lucrării de licenţă II / Preparation of the bachelor’s thesis IIIII6th2
14.TD 3.6.14Tehnologia protezelor adjuncte flexible / Technology of flexible dentures III6th2 

One course will be chosen

15.TD 3.6.15Tehnologia de confecţionare a gutierelor / Tehnology for making gutters


Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to help you fill in the Learning Agreement before the mobility. Sometimes the curriculum is subject to change due to various reasons, therefore, please check the validity of your classes with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of the mobility.