1.TD 1.1.1Biochimie / BiochemistryI1st5
2.TD 1.1.2Materiale utilizate în tehnica dentară / Materials used in dental techniqueI1st5
3.TD 1.1.3Instrumentar şi aparatură de laborator / Laboratory instruments and appliancesI1st4
4.TD 1.1.4Morfologia dinţilor și a arcadelor dentare / Morphology of teeth and dental archesI1st6
5.TD 1.1.5Primul ajutor medical / First aidI1st2
6.TD 1.1.6Fiziologie. Fiziopatologie / Physiology. PathophysiologyI1st2
7.TD 1.1.7Histologie. Anatomie patologică / Histology. Pathological anatomyI1st2
8.TD 1.1.8Informatică medicală şi statistică / Medical computer science and statisticsI1st2
9.TD 1.1.17Prevenirea patologiei ocupaționale / Prevention of occupational pathology I1st2 

One course will be chosen

10.TD 1.1.18Riscuri asociate consumului de droguri / Risks associated with drug use
11.TD 1.1.21Tehnici de învățare accelerată pentru studenți / Fast learning techniques for studentsI1st2
12.TD 1.2.9Anatomie / AnatomyI2nd4
13.TD 1.2.10Biofizică / BiophysicsI2nd4
14.TD 1.2.11Igiena în laboratorul de tehnică dentară / Hygiene in the dental laboratoryI2nd4
15.TD 1.2.12Farmacologie / PharmacologyI2nd2
16.TD 1.2.13Tehnologia protezelor dentare fixe / Technology of fixed prosthesesI2nd10
17.TD 1.2.14Limbi moderne (engleză/franceză) I / Modern languages (English/French) II2nd2
18.TD 1.2.15Practică de specialitate I / Specialty practice II2nd2
19.TD 1.2.16Educaţie fizică / Physical education I2nd2
20.TD 1.2.19Contracepție vs planning familial / Contraception vs family planningI2nd2One course will be chosen
21.TD 1.2.20Managementul proiectelor europene / Management of European projects



Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to help you fill in the Learning Agreement before the mobility. Sometimes the curriculum is subject to change due to various reasons, therefore, please check the validity of your classes with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of the mobility.