1 | RISE.2.3.1 | Probleme fundamentale ale lumii contemporane/ Fundamental Problems of the Contemporary World | II | 1st | 6 |
2 | RISE.2.3.2 | Construcție europeană/ European Identity | II | 1st | 5 |
3 | RISE.2.3.3 | Drept internațional și comunitar/ International and Community Law | II | 1st | 5 |
4 | RISE.2.3.4 | Economie internațională/International Economy | II | 1st | 5 |
5 | RISE.2.3.5 | Comunicare de specialitate în limba engleză/franceză (III)/Specialised Communication in English/French (III) | II | 1st | 3 |
6 | RISE.2.4.6 | Guvernanță regională și internațională/ Regional and International Governance | II | 2nd | 4 |
7 | RISE.2.4.7 | Economie europeană/ European Economy | II | 2nd | 4 |
8 | RISE.2.4.8 | Studii de arie: politici regionale/ Area studies: regional policies | II | 2nd | 4 |
9 | RISE.2.4.9 | Introducere în științe politice/ Introduction to Political Sciences | II | 2nd | 3 |
10 | RISE.2.4.10 | Comunicare de specialitate în limba engleză/franceză (IV)/Specialised Communication in English/French (IV) | II | 2nd | 3 |
11 | RISE.2.3.14 | Introducere în geopolitică (disciplină opțională)/ Introduction to geopolitics (Elective) | II | 1st | 3 |
12 | RISE.2.3.16 | Antropologie europeană (disciplină opțională)/ European Anthropology (Elective) | II | 1st | 3 |
13 | RISE.2.4.17 | Ideologii politice în epoca contemporană (disciplină opțională)/ Political Ideologies in the Contemporary Age (Elective) | II | 2nd | 3 |
14 | RISE.2.4.19 | Sistemul european al drepturilor omului (disciplină opțională)/ European System of Human Rights (Elective) | II | 2nd | 3 |
Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to assist you in filling out the Learning Agreement before your mobility. Please note that sometimes the curriculum is subject to change for various reasons; therefore, check the availability of your courses with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of your mobility.