Year III
1. | CRP.3.1.1 | Managementul relațiilor publice/ Public Relations Management | III | 1st | 5 |
2. | CRP.3.1.2 | Estetică și comunicare/ Aesthetics and Communication | III | 1st | 4 |
3. | CRP.3.1.3 | Comunicare corporatistă/ Corporate Communication | III | 1st | 4 |
4. | CRP.3.1.4 | Organizarea de evenimente/ Events Planning | III | 1st | 5 |
5. | CRP.3.1.5 | Campanii de publicitate/ Advertising Campaigns | III | 1st | 4 |
6. | CRP.3.2.6 | Instituția purtătorului de cuvânt/ The Spokesman’s Institution | III | 2nd | 5 |
7. | CRP.3.2.7 | Relații publice sectoriale/ Sectorial Public Relations | III | 2nd | 6 |
8. | CRP.3.2.8 | Campanii de relații publice/ Public Relations Campaigns | 2nd | 6 | |
9. | CRP.3.1.10 | Analiza și managementul imaginii organizațiilor (optional)/ Analysis and Gestion of the Image of Organizations (elective) | III | 1st | 4 |
10. | CRP.3.1.11 | Tehnici de negociere (optional)/ Negotiation Techniques (electives) | III | 1st | 4 |
11. | CRP.3.2.14 | Analiza de discurs public și comunicare politică (optional)/ Public Speech Analysis and Political Communication (elective) | III | 2nd | 5 |
12. | CRP.2.2.15 | Responsabilitate socială corporatistă (CSR) (optional)/ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)(elective) | III | 2nd | 5 |
Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to assist you in filling out the Learning Agreement before your mobility. Please note that sometimes the curriculum is subject to change for various reasons; therefore, check the availability of your courses with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of your mobility.