Year II


1.CRP.2.1.1Introducere în sistemul mass-media/Introduction to the Media SystemII1st6
2.CRP.2.1.2Introducere în publicitate/Introduction to AdvertisingII1st5
3.CRP.2.1.3Comunicare internă/Internal CommunicationII1st4
4.CRP.2.1.4Comunicare de specialitate în limba engleză/ franceză (III)/ Specialized Communication in English/French (III)II1st3
6.CRP.2.2.6Comunicarea cu presa/ Communicating with the PressII2nd5
7.CRP.2.2.7Comunicare de specialitate în limba engleză/ franceză (IV)/ Specialized Communication in English/French (IV)II2nd3
8CRP.2.1.10Strategii de comunicare eficientă în relații publice (optional)/Effective Communication Strategies in Public Relations (elective)II1st4
9.CRP.2.1.11Managementul comunicării în criză (optional)/Crisis Communication Management (elective)II1st4
10.CRP.2.1.12Redactarea materialelor de relații publice (optional)/Editing of Public Relations Materials (elective)II1st4
11.CRP.2.1.15Elaborarea unui produs de publicitate (opțional)/ Preparation of an Advertising Product (elective)II2nd4
12.CRP.2.1.16Editare în limbaje specializate (optional)/Editing in Specialised Languages (elective)II2nd4
13.CRP.2.2.17Elaborarea unui produs de relații publice (optional)/ Preparation of a Public Relations Product (elective)II2nd4


Disclaimer: the aim of this page is to assist you in filling out the Learning Agreement before your mobility. Please note that sometimes the curriculum is subject to change for various reasons; therefore, check the availability of your courses with your Erasmus+ coordinator upon your arrival at Titu Maiorescu University. You can change the Learning Agreement at the beginning of your mobility.