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Mr. Dan Gabriel Duda is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, director of the Translational Research Program in Gastrointestinal Radiation Therapy and principal researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).
He is a PhD in Stomatology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T Popa, Iași and a PhD in Medical Sciences (Gastrointestinal Surgery) of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan.
He has been a resident physician in General Stomatology, within the Department of Stomatological Prosthodontics, of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T Popa, Iași, Romania and Post-Doctoral Researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Department of Radiation Oncology and at Harvard Medical School (HMS), Boston, USA. He also served as an Instructor at HMS and Assistant in Biology at MGH between 2004 and 2007, as well as Assistant Professor at HMS and Assistant Researcher at MGH between 2007-2012. Since 2009 he has been a member of the “Angiogenesis, Invasion and Metastasis” Program of the Dana Farber Oncology Center / Harvard Cancer Center, Boston and Associate Professor at HMS and Associate Researcher at MGH Hospital, Director of the Translational Research Program in Gastrointestinal Tumors Radiation as well as Principal Researcher within the same institution.
Dr. Duda participated as an expert in several national and international scientific meetings, having the status of a former associate professor invited to teach at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
In addition, he has been the head of the Oncological Research section of IASGO, since 2013, and was Secretary General of this organization in 2015. During the last ten years, he has taught in the Programs: Health, Science and Technology offered by MIT-HMS , ASTRO, ESTRO, RTOG and IASGO.

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 14 from 02.11.2016, M.D. PhD Fabian Fehlauer was granted the status of associate visiting professor for the academic year 2016-2017, teaching in the Medicine program. He is a lecturer at the University of Hamburg, a specialist in radio-oncology and radiotherapy.
Mr. Fabian Fehlauer is the founder and Medical Director of the Oncological Treatment Center Hamburg (Strahlenzentrum, Hamburg). He is a specialist in radiation therapy: radiation therapy, oncological radiation and palliative care. He is also a doctor of medicine at the University of Hamburg and a lecturer at the University of Hamburg, a research associate in the Radiotherapy Department at the University Hospital of Hamburg Eppendorf, along with Professor Alberti and at the University of Luebeck, along with Professor Richter. He is also a member of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the European Cancer Center University of Amsterdam and a pathologist at St. Mary’s Hospital.
Mr. Fehlauer is a co-founder and medical superintendent at Strahlenzentrum Hamburg (SZHH), which is among the most modern centers for radiotherapy, radiosurgery and diagnostics in the world. Mr. Fehlauer has participated in the Tourism Scholarship of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), to the 48th annual meeting, as well as in the Tourism Scholarship, to the 8th Clinical Symposium of Radiobiology. The research in this prestigious setting was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the European Cancer Center (ECC Amsterdam), Schleswig-Holstein Cancer Society and Kreitz Foundation.
Mr. Fehlauer has published papers for various medical journals (including the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Recovery, Psycho-Oncology, Oncology Research and Anti-cancer Drugs) and is a professional affiliate of numerous international cancer organizations: the German Cancer Society, the Society of Cancer Hamburg, the German society for radiation oncology, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology, the American Society for Radiation Oncology, the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the European Association for Cancer Research, the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer.

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Dr. Peter Fischer is a dentist with German accreditation for DDS (Germany) since 1989. He got his PhD in Stomatology at UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest in 1991 and is a specialist in Implantology, confirmed by BDIZ (Bundesverband der Implantologisch Tätigen Zahnärzte ) “Tātigkeitsschwerpunkt Implantologie” in 1998. He also has a second degree in Stomatology and Dental Surgery from Humbold University in Berlin in 2006.
Dr. Fischer has worked as a dentist in private offices in Düsseldorf and Berlin (Dental Office Dr. Peter Paul Fischer and Dr. Cristina Antoaneta Fischer, Associate).
In 1996, inaugurates in Bucharest the Laboratory of dental technique “Dr. Fischer – Dental Lab ”. Currently, Dr. Fischer is associated with “Hytec Cut” – Milling Center in Romania, based in Bucharest and also works at the dental office “Axelrad and partners”, based in Berlin.
Dr. Fischer is a member of “Zahnärztekammer Berlin” – Federal Dental Association in Germany, member of “SSO” – Swiss Dental Association, member of “UNAS” (Uniunea Naţională a AsociaţiilorStomatologice), has sub-specialization within “ICOI” – International Congress of Oral Implantologists and is a member of the BDIZ – Bundesverband der Implantologisch Tätigen Zahnärzte. He has two articles published in “The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants” and in “Clinical Oral Implants Research”.

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Dr. Jose Luis Calvo Guirado is a Head Professor and Chairman of the General And Implant Dentistry Course at the Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry ant Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia in Spain and Head Researcher and Founder of Murcia Biomaterials And Implants Research Group from Murcia, Spain.
Prof. Calvo Guirado has PhD in Stomatology at the University of Murcia, Spain and also a PhD in Biomaterials and Bioengineering from the University of Elche, Alicante, Spain. He also has a European Oral Surgery Certificate obtained from the European Federation of Oral Surgery.
At the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia, Spain, Professor Calvo Guirado is the director of the Clinical and Experimental Research Group, President of the Department of International Dental Research and President of the Master’s program in Oral Implantology.
Internationally, Professor Calvo Guirado is a Research Professor at the School of Oral Medicine, Stony Brook University, New York, USA, Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Stomatology, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina, Founding member of the Scientific Academy of Oral Surgery, San Juan, Argentina and from 2019 a Visiting Professor to the Faculty of Dental Medicine, UTM.
As a chief researcher, he has participated in more than 180 international research projects funded in Germany, Switzerland, France, Serbia, Italy and Spain, the fields covered being biomaterials and dental implants.
He was a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Clinical Oral Implants Research (2014-2018) and is a reviewer for numerous international journals including “The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants”, “Clinical Oral Implants Research”, “The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice ”,“Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan”,“MDPI’s journals”etc.
Prof. Calvo Guirado has published 232 articles, 10 books and 6 book chapters.

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 64 of May 24, 2016, Mrs. Renate Viebahn-Hansler, Chemist Dr. was named Visiting Professor, as associate head of work, to support teaching activities within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine. She is a member of the Society “Dr. J. HANSLER GmbH “, Ozone Technology and Ozone Applications in Medicine.
Mrs. Renate Viebahn-Haensler is a prestigious German chemist, consultant and member of the German Association of Chemists, of the International Ozone Association, member of the board of directors of the German Society for Ozone Applications and member of the board of directors of the German Medical Association for Ozone Applications since 1980, as well as a member of the New York Scientific Academy.
Professor Viebahn-Haensle is a graduate of Tuebingen University, Germany, where she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry in 1969 and a PhD in Philosophy from the same university since 1971.
She has been an assistant professor at Tuebingen University and a professor at the Einstein gymnasium in Reutlingen, Germany and she is the author of the most famous book on ozone therapy: “The Applications of Ozone in Medicine”. The third edition of this book is considered a true bible of ozone therapy.

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Mr. JOSÉ MANUEL SOBRINO-HEREDIA has a PhD in law at the University of Santiago de Compostela. For six years he was a lawyer (Référendaire) of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg.
He also served as Vice-President and President of The Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations, First Vice-President of the International Maritime Lawyers Association (France), visiting professor at various American and European universities, including University of Social Sciences from Toulouse, Universities of Pittsburgh, Perpignan, LUISS University Guido Carli, Rome. He is an expert and international consultant in international organizations, national and state agencies (in EU, Canada, Bulgaria, Spain, Estonia, Guatemala, Lithuania, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Poland, Romania, etc.).
In addition, he is a member of numerous scientific councils and main researcher in more than 25 research projects, funded by different public institutions (regional, national and European), as well as a member of the editorial committees or advisory committees of numerous Spanish publications on international law. He is also the author of numerous books and articles published in different languages, on issues related to international public law and European Union law. He holds various awards and distinctions, including the Galicia Research Award and honorary professor award at the University of Vigo.
Heredia’s functiones over the years include: expert of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), for the Andean community, legal advisor on twinning projects between the Spanish Administration and the candidate countries for accession in EU: Lithuania, Poland, Estonia Romania and Bulgaria – EU PHARE Program, expert at the General Fisheries Secretariat of the Search Results Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, for the review of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union, member of the Admissions Committee for the thesis within the European Committee of the Regions, from Brussels, legal advisor to the Department of Fishing and Maritime Affairs of the Galician Autonomous Community, director of the European Documentation Centre of the University of A. Coruña, expert in the Andean Community, for the Court of Justice (Quito) and for the Secretariat General (Lima), expert in Republica Guatemala during the territorial dispute with Belize, teaching European Studies at the University of A. Coruña, expert of the European Commission for the Andean Community and Peru, paralegal to the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Luxembourg.

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Professor Eitan Mijiritsky works in the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, within the Department of Otolaryngology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
After obtaining his DMD degree from Tel Aviv University (1991), Professor E. Mijiritsky continued his prosthetic training, receiving the Certificate of Dental Medicine Specialist, in 1997 at the School of Dental Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.
He was a clinical instructor for The Oral Implant Center, Hebrew University – Hadassah Medical Center, EinKerem, Jerusalem and within the Department of Prosthetics, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, EinKerem, Jerusalem.
From 2013-2015 he was a representative of Israel in the Management Committee of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology- COST Association – Action MP1005 ”NAMABIO- From nano to macro biomaterials (design, processing, characterization, modeling) and regenerative applications of stem cells in orthopedics and dental medicine”.
In 2015 he becomes a Visiting Professor at the Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Dental Medicine, within the Department of Oral Rehabilitation.
Professor E. Mijiritsky obtains in 2018 the European Technician Certificate of Dental Prosthetist, being the first doctor in Israel who is recognized by the European Association of Prosthodontists (EPA) and is a member representative of Israel in the EPA Council.
Professor E. Mijiritsky was an Oral Rehabilitation Consultant for Israeli General Dental Public Health Insurance (“Klalit”), Shila Clinics, a founding member of the Israeli Association of Oral Implantologists (IAOI), a professor at the Center for Oral Implantology, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University, EinKerem, Jerusalem.
Since 2017 Professor E. Mijiritsky is a consultant on Oral Rehabilitation issues and scientific coordinator within the unit of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Professor E. Mijiritsky is an active participant in scientific meetings, has received numerous awards for recognition of professional activity and has participated in 8 grants. He has published 59 articles in international professional literature, being the author of a book and a book chapter.
He is a member of numerous professional societies and committees, such as the Israel Dental Association, the Israel Society of Prosthodontics, the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), the International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), founding member and board member of the Mediterranean Dental Implant Society (MDIS), Co-Chairman of the Mijiritsky Family Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, member of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO).
He is currently the President-elect of The Israel Society of Prosthodontics and a member, representing Israel, of the European Prosthodontic Society.
Professor E. Mijiritsky is aso a member of the Editorial Board of some of the leading international professional journals (International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research, Case reports in Dentistry, Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation).

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Mrs. Claudia Ghica-Lemarchand is a professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences at the Est Créteil University in Paris, where she also teaches students European Criminal Law and Business Criminal Law.
She has a PhD in law at Panthéon-Assas University Paris II, being certified in criminal studies and criminological studies, at the Institute of Criminology in Paris.
In addition, she took courses at the National Institute of Magistracy (INM) and National Institute of Labour and Human Resources (NILHR) – the National Institute of Labor, Employment and Vocational training, where she taught General Criminal Law and Special Criminal Law, as well as at the Institute of Legal Studies of the University Panthéon-Assas Paris II, where he took courses in Special Criminal Law. She also taught criminology courses at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts and in-depth criminal law courses at Paris-Sorbonne University and Panthéon-Assas University Paris II. She was a lecturer at these universities and she has led courses in criminal law at the National Police Training Institute (ICC), at C.N.A.M., at the University of Paris and at the University of Saint-Maur.
Ms. Ghica-Lemarchand has also held, among other things, the membership of the admission committee of the National Police Academy, chairman of the Expert Committee HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) in France, legal adviser in criminal law for the Gendarmerie National and collaborator of CREOGN (Center of the National School of Gendarmes Officers), in the field of Criminal Law, member of the National Council of Universities (NCU), section of Private Law and Criminal Justice, member of the Commission on anti-plagiarism ethics at the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest, vice-dean for international relations at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, responsible for the Themis Certificate, certificate of excellence in business law in English, member of the board of the Faculty of Law, head of the UPEC foreign student admissions committee, member of Scientific Council at the same university and member of the Admissions Committee for foreign students, member of the Examination Committee for access to the profession of lawyer at the University of Western Brittany, member of the Study Commission on the creation of a municipal police in Paris, by the City of Paris.
Author of numerous publications in the field of criminal law, civil law and international law, Mrs. Claudia Ghica-Lemarchand has also been part of two drafting committees of the UTM, is also a member of the editorial board of the “Annals of the Titu Maiorescu University”, from 2007 and a member of the editorial committee of the magazine “Megabyte”, Titu Maiorescu University, since 2009.

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Professor Liran Levin is the Director of the Department of Periodontology at the Faculty of Medicine and Dental Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada. He is also a visiting professor at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA.
Professor Liran Levin was the head of the Research Department of the School of Stomatology, Rambam Health Care Campus and of the Faculty of Medicine – Technion IIT Haifa, Israel.
Professor Liran Levin obtained the DMD diploma at Tel Aviv University and completed his Postgraduate Program in Periodontology in the Department of Periodontology Rambam Health Care Campus. He has also received the Technician Certificate in Periodontology from the European Federation of Periodontology and is a member of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada.
Professor Liran Levin has published more than 250 articles and chapters in books in the international profile literature and is involved in research mainly in the fields of periodontology, implantology and dental trauma. He has given courses both nationally and internationally with dental implants and periodontal diseases.
Professor Levin is Associate Editor of the International Dental Journal, the Quintessence International, Dental Traumatology and a member of the Editorial Committee and a manuscript reviewer for some of the top professional journals in the fields of periodontology, implantology, dental trauma and general dentistry.
Professor Liran Levin was the chairman of the Ethics Committee in Dental Research of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Currently, he is the President-elect of the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT).

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 15 from 02.11.2016, M.D. PhD Uwe-Bernd Liehr was granted the status of visiting professor invited to theach for the 2016-2017 academic year, under the program of Medicine studies. He is the Deputy Director of the Department of Urology at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany.
Mr. Uwe-Bernd Liehr is the Deputy Director of the University Hospital of Urology in Magdeburg.
After graduating from Otto-von-Guericke University School of Medicine, in 1999, Dr. Liehr worked as a medical assistant in surgery at the University Hospital of Pediatric Urology and Urology in Magdeburg, Germany.
In 2005, Mr. Liehr completed his residency in urology, and a year later he got his PhD in the field of cancer treatment, the topic of his thesis being renal cell carcinoma. In 2006, he was appointed permanent doctor of the University Hospital of Urology, and from 2007 he also holds the management position mentioned above within the hospital.
The specialization of Dr. Liehr also refers to the field of pediatric urology. His clinical and scientific goals include surgical treatment of male incontinence, tumor surgery, laser surgery and the use of laparoscopy in urology, for example in the removal of bladder or kidney stones and implant surgery, such as the use of artificial ureters, as well as treatment. urological malformations in children.
Currently, he is working on the clinical applications of new, minimally invasive percutaneous tumor therapy (irreversible electroporation – IRE or NanoKnife). His research focuses on renal cell carcinoma, an extension of prostate carcinoma.

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Dr. Adi Lorean has been an instructor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Tel Aviv University in Israel and the secretary of the Israeli Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.
He completed his training in Implantology and Maxillofacial Surgery at Poriya Government Hospital and Queen Victoria Hospital in East Greenstead – England in 1997 and was chief surgeon in the Department of Implantology and Maxillofacial Surgery at Poriya Hospital where he led the training program for residents.
Between 2002-2010, Professor Adi Lorean was the head of the research and development department of “Surgical Development Technologies” of Brainsgate Ltd., which offers a revolutionary treatment for patients with stroke and dementia.
He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Implantology and vice-dean for international affairs at Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania. He is also a Medical Director in two private dental clinics with the main focus on implantology and a member of the advisory committee of ADIN Ltd.
Prof. Lorean has performed clinical studies in more than 20 countries worldwide and is the co-author of 6 US patents, has participated actively in the international education and training program for physicians involved in the research regarding the treatment of stroke patients. He was also involved in a research project on the possibilities of treating peri-implantitis using titanium granules, research carried out by Tigran Ltd.
He is currently involved in research projects related to dental implants applied to diabetic patients, while also studying the long-term outcome of implants applied to healthy patients. He is also working on developing a surgical device for minimally invasive sinus growth.
Professor Lorean has published over 27 articles in the field of implantology and maxillofacial surgery. He has also given numerous lectures, seminars, courses, interactive teaching of live surgery and webinars in Israel and all over the world.

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Mr. JOËL MONÉGER is professor emeritus of the University of Paris-Dauphine, leading the Jean Monnet Department. He is also an honorary director of the Droit Dauphine Institute. Professor Monéger has been teaching at the University of Paris-Dauphine since 2001, but he has also taught at the University of Orleans in 1984-2001, at Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco and has been Vice-President of Ascola.
He is a private law professor with extensive teaching experience in France and many other countries (USA, Spain, Argentina, Germany, Morocco and Africa, teaching in French). He is also a consultant for “commercial leasing” and European competition law issues. He is the former director of the Doctoral School, former director of the master’s program in European and International Business Law, as well as honorary dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, University of Orleans and a visiting associate professor at Saint Louis University Law School, Missouri (USA) where he teaches annually the course of European Law, as well as the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he holds conferences on the right to free movement in the EU regarding the movement of products, people, etc. and conferences on concentration law.

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Prof. Joseph Nissan is a dentist, researcher and specialist in Oral Rehabilitation. He has a DMD diploma (1991) and a specialization in Prosthetics (1997) at the School of Dental Medicine of Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Since 2014, Professor Joseph Nissan is the head of the Department of Oral and Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation at Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva.
He is also a member of the Department of Prosthetics (since 1992), being an associate professor of the School of Dental Medicine at Tel-Aviv University, Israel and former director of the Implantology Division (2002-2009) and of the post-graduate Prosthetics Program. Professor Joseph Nissan is a member of the Managing Committee, the Research Committee, the Continued Education Committee, the Education Committee, the Postgraduate Education Committee and the Dental Materials and Equipment Committee of the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine, Israel.
Currently, Prof. Joseph Nissan is the president of the “Israeli Society of Implant-Dentistry” (since 2011) and former president of the Israeli Prosthetic Society (2004-2006). He is also chairman of the “National Council of Prosthetics, Professional Committee” in the Israeli Dental Association and the Ministry of Health of Israel (since 2012).
Since 2016, he is a member of the Scientific Council, the Research Committee, the National Committee for Continuing Education, the National Accreditation Committee, the Committee for Continuing Education in the field of Implantology within the Israeli Dental Association.
Professor Joseph Nissan is a member of the Editorial Board and an international reviewer for leading international professional journals in the fields of prosthetics, dental implantology and general stomatology. Professor Joseph Nissan has participated in 20 grants, published around 100 articles in international specialty literature, is the publisher of a book and eight book chapters in the field of Prosthetics and is involved in research mainly in fixed prosthetics, implantology and dental aesthetics. He has been quoted in the literature more than 3,000 times, having a H-index of 33. He has held lectures both nationally and internationally in the fields of implant-prosthetics and fixed prosthetics and is an international lecturer of the FDI-World Dental Federation.
The main areas of research and the main focus of his lectures are Prosthetics and Implantology, including: restoration of endodontic treated teeth, accuracy of imprinting techniques, biomechanical aspects in implant-prosthetics, importance of imprinting techniques in implant restorations, implications of preserving the extraction site, implant restorations and implants on the jaws, aesthetic and restorative result of prosthesis on implants in the case of the atrophic alveolar ridge.

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Mrs. Gabriela Oanță is a visiting professor, teaching International Public Law and International Relations at the University of A. Coruña (Spain) and currently holds the position of director of the “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute of the same university. She is coordinating the Jean Monnet Chair for “Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union”. She is a member of the WG1 of MARSAFENET since 2012, as well as a member of different research groups and projects funded by various international and Spanish research institutions.
Since 2008, Ms. Gabriela Oanță’s research has focused on International Maritime Law, the Common Fishery Policy and International Law for Developing Countries. She is a researcher at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, interested in the development of agreements on international fishing, long-term fishing and cooperation, international development, enlargement of the European Union and development of the Common Fishery Policy.
She has taught at various universities in Armenia, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And, she has been a guest researcher at the Academy of International Law in Hague (Hague, The Netherlands), the Dutch Institute for the Law of the Sea (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) and LUISS Università Guido Carli (Rome, Italy). In addition to the teaching activities at the University of A. Coruña, Mrs. Oanță is also a visiting professor at the “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute of European Studies, as well as a visiting professor at the University of Vigo (Ourense Campus), in 2006-2018.
She is also director of the “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute of European Studies at the University of A. Coruña, director of the European Documentation Center in A. Coruña, director of the specific postgraduate training course “Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union” co-financed by the European Commission and mediator of the Interest Group on the Law of the Sea (LAWSEA) within the European Society of International Law (ESIL).
Mrs. Oanță is the author of two books (one co-authored with Jacobo Ríos, professor of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia in France), but she has also written several chapters of books published by prestigious publishers and articles of legal specialty published by Web of Science (Journal Citation Reports), SCOPUS and other Spanish legal magazines. On an academic level, she is a member of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Institutions of Law of the European Union”, of the University of A. Coruña, a member of the research group “Current problems of International and European law” of the same university, a member of the network of excellence “New scenarios for maritime fishery and the protection of sailors”, led by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, member of the research project “Public-private partnership for development and cooperation in the fishery sector: Spanish fishing companies from developing countries”, organized by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, member of the experts’ network on the legal aspects of maritime security (MARSAFENET).

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 15 from 08.12.2015, M.D. PhD Lamberto Re, from Medinat SRLA Clinic for Beauty & Pain in Marche Region, Italy was named visiting professor to support didactic activities within the postgraduate program of Oxygen-Ozonotherapy, in the second semester of the academic year 2015-2016. He is a professor of toxicology at the University of Ancona, Italy, an international expert in ozone therapy. Also, by UTM Senate Decision no. 64 from May 24, 2016, he was named a visiting professor, as a high-value specialist, within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine.
Professor Lamberto Re was a professor of “Molecular and cellular pharmacology” at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ancona, and he was also a professor of “Pharmacological biotechnology” and “Pharmacology” at the Faculty of Sciences of the same University. He is an expert in basic experimental pharmacology techniques, such as in-vitro tests and in vivo experimental toxicology. In collaboration with Dr. Walter Stühmer and Dr. Erwin Neher, from the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen, Professor Lamberto Re became an expert in the technique “Loose Patch Clamp” and “Patch Clamp” for the characterization of synaptic transmissions in the synapses of the central nervous system. and peripheral.
At the invitation of the Editorial Board of the Medical Research Archive, Mr. Lamberto Re has been included in the International Editorial Committee since July 1994, becoming the coordinator of numerous international journals of pharmacology, general pharmacological research, toxicology, chemical biology and drug design. Working in the field of herbal medicine and natural medicine, he became interested in the field of ozone therapy, a work field in which he has taken part in basic studies and clinical studies on the characterization of the mechanisms of action of ozone-oxygen mixtures. In 1999, he published his first main work that demonstrated the effects on intracellular calcium induced by low doses of ozone. Currently, he is the author of more than 200 publications in this medical field.
Since the beginning of his full-time research and clinical activity, he has gained extensive experience in treatment therapy with ozone and oxygen mixtures. He is currently enjoying a special recognition for his medical research, being one of the highest regarded international experts in the field of ozone therapy.
As a teacher and lecturer in ozone therapy and its medical uses in sports and pain disorders, he has given numerous courses in the US (Phil Mollica ODS Center, since 2008) and in Dubai (for the CAM service of the Minister of Health), between 2005 and 2008, participating to an impressive number of conferences and events in the field of ozone therapy.
Also, Mr. Re is a member and co-founder of the company “Potenzi Attiva” with the stated purpose of encouraging and supporting the development of scientific and ethical therapeutic resources for biological improvements of men. He is a member of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, member of the Latin-American Society of Natural and Traditional Medicine, member of the Italian Medical Ozone Association, of the Italian Federation of Oxygen Ozone Therapy (FIO) being included in the Scientific Committee of the same federation and President of the FIO in June 2015, member of the Spanish Association AEPROMO, honorary member of SOVEOT , The Venezuelan Ozonotherapy Society and chairman of the WFOT Scientific Committee from 2015 to 2019.

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Dr. Nachum Samet served as Lecturer in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at Harvard School of Dental Medicine until 2010. He was also Director of the Doctoral School of Dental Prosthetics from 2003 to 2008.
Dr. Nachum Samet served as Lecturer in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at Harvard School of Dental Medicine until 2010. He was also Director of the Doctoral School of Dental Prosthetics from 2003 to 2008.
Dr. Nachum Samet holds numerous dental degrees, but also a dentistry certification from Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Israel. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the Academy of Osseointegration, the American Academy of Periodontology and the American Dental Education Association, where he also serves as secretary at the Prosthetics Section.
A graduate of doctoral and postdoctoral studies in dental prosthetics, Professor Nachum Samet contributed to the evolution of the curriculum in prosthetic research at both Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Dental Medicine and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He also organized and held lectures on dental implants and treatment planning.
Professor Nachum Samet has received numerous recognition awards, including Distinguished Junior Faculty Award from Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2006 and was honored by Harvard University with the distinction of “one of its best teachers” in 2007.
Professor Nachum Samet conducts studies of clinical research, teaching and practicing in the implant-prosthetic field. Having more than 20 years of experience in dentistry and dental implants, he is also the author of numerous publications on this subject matter.

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 68 from 28.04.2017, Mr. Michael Stehling became a visiting professor as part of the Medicine study program, for the academic year 2017-2018. He has a PhD in medicine, and he is a university professor in the Department of Medical Imagery, Jerusalem University, as well as a researcher at the University of Berkeley, California.
Mr. Michael Stehling has a PhD in medicine, graduating magna cum laude, from the JWG University, Frankfurt, Germany in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology – Nero-radiology, as well as a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Nottingham, England, UK, graduating from the Department of physics, where he studied under the coordination of Sir Peter Mansfield, Nobel laureate in medicine, for magnetic resonance imagery. Also, Dr. Stehling holds a pedagogical certification, a PhD in Medicine from Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.
Professor Michael K. Stehling is a recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate disorders. As a director, Professor Stehling ran the Prostate Treatment Center he founded in Offenbach, specializing in the most advanced minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment techniques for prostate cancer and other prostate disorders. The center is a world-leading authority in the field of IRE / NanoKnife prostate cancer treatment, an innovative prostate cancer treatment technique, often utilized and also refined by Dr. Stehling and his team.
Professor Stehling specializes in advanced MRI diagnosis of prostate cancer. Magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate allows accurate diagnosis without invasive procedure and without pain or radiation exposure. Being one of the minds with a significant contribution to the development of magnetic resonance imagery, Professor Stehling is also one of the most experienced specialists in this field.
In the university environment, he has held positions such as: Radiology Clinician at the Radiology Department, Beth Israel Hospital, within the Harvard University School of Medicine; Radiologist and director of the MRI Investigation Department at the Institute of Diagnostic Radiology of Ludwig Maximilian University Hospital in Großhadern, Germany; Assistant Professor of Radiology at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, and Associate Professor of Radiology, Boston University School of Medicine.
He has patented, along with other prestigious names in medicine: the nuclear magnetic resonance tomography – a device that can operate with a pulse sequence according to the ultrasound method, as well as a series of methods and operating systems for tissue ablation devices.

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 64 from May 24, 2016, Mr. Vincenzo Simonetti – from the Italian Association of Oxygen-Ozonotherapy – was named visiting professor as head of works, to support didactic activities within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine.
Mr. Vincenzo Simonetti is a renowned European physician in the field of ozone therapy. He is part of the team of researchers who have patented the improved cerebrovascular model through ozone autohemotherapy: an entropy-based study in patients with multiple sclerosis, with impact in multiple fields: medicine, biology, engineering, being also involved in the research project, which has succeeded in patenting time analysis and the frequency of quasi-periodic infrared signals for evaluating the long-term effects of ozone autohemotherapy in multiple sclerosis.
Mr. Simonetti was a resident of Molinette di Torino Hospital, the General Surgery Department chaired by Professor G. Giordanengo, where he worked from 1965 to 1970. He has a degree in Medicine and Surgery, specializing in general surgery. In his activity at Molinette Hospital in Turin, he served as 1st level surgical assistant, being then a family doctor for a very long period starting from 1971 until 2009.
Dr. Simonetti has been practicing both ozone therapy and chelation treatment since 1992. He was a lecturer in the master program in ozone therapy at Titu Majurescu University in Bucharest between 2008 and 2016, as well as at the Western University of Timișoara and the University Carol Davila, Bucharest between 2017 and 2018. Also, starting from 2011 he was a lecturer in the master program in ozone therapy at the University of Pavia.
He is a member of the National Governance of the Italian Society for Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (S.I.O.O.T.), a member of the Committee on Protocols and Research of the S.I.O.O.T., former president of the Association KAOS Onlus, member of AMPAS.
As pioneer practitioner in the field of ozone therapy, the Italian physician, Vincenzo Simonetti is one of the most well-known personalities in this field, enjoying international recognition for his published work on ozone therapy and cancer treatment studies, being invited to participate and share his vast experience as a speaker at numerous national and international ozone therapy congresses.

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 61 of 28.04.2015 Dr. Tiron Ștefan was named a visiting professor and lecturer, to support didactic activities within the postgraduate course of training in Oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine, for a period of 1 year. Also, by UTM Senate Decision no. 64 from May 24, 2016, he was also invited as a high-value specialist, becoming a guest associate professor, within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Ștefan Tiron is a primary orthopedic doctor, with a specialization in post-urology and ozone therapy. On November 9-10, 2019, in Guangzhou (China), at the 6th World Ozone Congress, he was elected as president by the General Assembly of W.F.O.T.
Mr. Tiron is the founding President of the Romanian Posturology Society, as well as of the Romanian Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone-Therapy, also being a member of the Management Committee of the Romanian Medical Association, of the Italian Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) and of the SIOOT International Posturology Society.
He is a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, also having an over-specialization in Sports Traumatology and Orthopedics at the University Hospital in London. He also holds a master’s degree in Public Health Management and Health Services.
He received his residency in the Surgery specialty at AEPS-DIS, Paris and underwent a surgery internship at the Clinical Hospital “Antoine Beclaire”, the Surgery Clinic of Professor Franco.
He was a specialist in Orthopedics-Traumatology at the University Hospital, Bucharest, director of the EU Health Programme, within the Ministry of Health, General Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family, counselor of the National Health Insurance House, Romania’s representative European Committee for Health, coordinator of the integration of the activity of the donors in the field of health, manager of the private clinic “American Medical Center” and of the private clinic “Dr. Tiron Medical Center”, Vice-President of the Box Section of the Dinamo Club Bucharest.
He regularly gives lectures and participates in recognized presentations and conferences in the field of ozone therapy, in Romania and Italy, being the initiator and organizer of the International Conference with the theme: “Health Issues of Common Interest for Romania and the European Union” (Bucharest – October 2000).

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 84 of 09.06.2015, Professor Yaman Tokat was named a Visiting Professor, teaching guest, to support teaching activities within the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Medicine, for the 2015-2016 academic year. He is a professor of general surgery at Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, Director of the Department of General Surgery and Organ Transplant.
Mr. Yaman Tokat, a university professor, is one of the most renowned specialists in liver surgery worldwide, being a specialist in treating pathologies such as: liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatobiliary cancer, pancreatic tumors, other hepato-biliary and pancreatic diseases. He graduated and sustained his residency in General Surgery in 1992 within the Department of General Surgery of the Faculty of Aegean Medicine, is the founder of the Liver Transplant Program within the Faculty of Aegean Medicine (in 1994). He performed the first partial successful liver transplant from a living donor in Turkey. Profesor M.D. PhD Yaman Tokat is the director of the Liver Transplant Center of the Florence Nightingale Public Hospital, a function from which he helped to evaluate and set up numerous teams both in Turkey and worldwide, with over 1500 liver transplants at this successful center, which has been chosen by the European Society for Organ Transplant as the only institution eligible for training specialists on the many of the methods in liver transplantation from a living donor, trainings held and perfected by Dr. Yaman Tokat and his team, who currently perform over 100 transplants per year.

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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 85 from 09.06.2015, Mr. Christoph C. Zielinski was named Visiting Professor, to support teaching activities within the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Medicine, for the 2015-2016 academic year. He is a professor of medicine, immunology and medical oncology at the Medical University of Vienna, director of the Clinical Division of Oncology, head of the Department of Medicine I, director of the Research Center for Cancer at the Medical University of Vienna and the General Hospital Vienna.
Professor CHRISTOPH C. ZIELINSKI is a leading world-renowned personality in medicine, with an exceptional career and activity in the field of oncology. He is also President of the European Center of the Oncology Cooperation Group, a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), local councilor of European Cancer Organization (ECCO). As a physician, his main areas of expertise include oncology, internal medicine, hematology and clinical immunology. He is the holder of numerous awards and distinctions, including the Vienna City Prize for Medical Sciences and a gold medal for services to the province of Vienna, receiving in 2014 the Great Silver Medal for Services to the Republic of Austria, and in 2016, the Central European Grand Prize of Vienna for interdisciplinary research and innovation related to cancer.
Professor Zielinski is the director of the Vienna Cancer Center (VCC), a center that coordinates cancer care and clinical studies in Vienna. The VCC was established in 2018. Since 1999, Professor Zielinski has been the president of the Central European Group of Cooperative Oncology, which conducts clinical studies and major educational activities through its Academy, in 23 countries, in Central and South-Eastern Europe.
Professor Zielinski completed his medical training at the University Hospital Vienna and began his career as a researcher at the Tufts University Cancer Research Center, Boston, USA. From 2004 to 2017 he was chairman of the Department of Medicine I and its Division of clinical oncology, and from 2010 to 2018 director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Medical University Vienna – General Hospital. His recent clinical research activities cover a wide range of cancer therapies, with a particular focus on clinical studies, breast and lung cancer research, including the development of immunotherapy and targeted drug concepts. He has published about 600 original works and reviews in journals and many books. His H-Index is 67 years old, and the citations of the documents written by him exceed 19,000. Prof. Zielinski is editor-in-chief of the online journal “ESMO Open – Cancer Horizons”, which is one of the two scientific journals of the European Society for Medical Oncology published by the BMJ group, and – in this position – is a member of the Council of ESMO.
Professor Zielinski is also a member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) where he served on the Executive Committee, as well as chairman of the Scholarship and Awards Committee from 2014 to 2017. He was a local representative at the 2012 ESMO annual meeting and at the ECC 2015 meeting.
In addition, Prof. Zielinski is an honorary member of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology and also a member of the Austrian Society of Haematology and Medical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO).
- Dan Gabriel Duda
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Mr. Dan Gabriel Duda is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School, director of the Translational Research Program in Gastrointestinal Radiation Therapy and principal researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).
He is a PhD in Stomatology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T Popa, Iași and a PhD in Medical Sciences (Gastrointestinal Surgery) of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan.
He has been a resident physician in General Stomatology, within the Department of Stomatological Prosthodontics, of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T Popa, Iași, Romania and Post-Doctoral Researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Department of Radiation Oncology and at Harvard Medical School (HMS), Boston, USA. He also served as an Instructor at HMS and Assistant in Biology at MGH between 2004 and 2007, as well as Assistant Professor at HMS and Assistant Researcher at MGH between 2007-2012. Since 2009 he has been a member of the “Angiogenesis, Invasion and Metastasis” Program of the Dana Farber Oncology Center / Harvard Cancer Center, Boston and Associate Professor at HMS and Associate Researcher at MGH Hospital, Director of the Translational Research Program in Gastrointestinal Tumors Radiation as well as Principal Researcher within the same institution.
Dr. Duda participated as an expert in several national and international scientific meetings, having the status of a former associate professor invited to teach at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
In addition, he has been the head of the Oncological Research section of IASGO, since 2013, and was Secretary General of this organization in 2015. During the last ten years, he has taught in the Programs: Health, Science and Technology offered by MIT-HMS , ASTRO, ESTRO, RTOG and IASGO.
- Fabian Fehlauer
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 14 from 02.11.2016, M.D. PhD Fabian Fehlauer was granted the status of associate visiting professor for the academic year 2016-2017, teaching in the Medicine program. He is a lecturer at the University of Hamburg, a specialist in radio-oncology and radiotherapy.
Mr. Fabian Fehlauer is the founder and Medical Director of the Oncological Treatment Center Hamburg (Strahlenzentrum, Hamburg). He is a specialist in radiation therapy: radiation therapy, oncological radiation and palliative care. He is also a doctor of medicine at the University of Hamburg and a lecturer at the University of Hamburg, a research associate in the Radiotherapy Department at the University Hospital of Hamburg Eppendorf, along with Professor Alberti and at the University of Luebeck, along with Professor Richter. He is also a member of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the European Cancer Center University of Amsterdam and a pathologist at St. Mary’s Hospital.
Mr. Fehlauer is a co-founder and medical superintendent at Strahlenzentrum Hamburg (SZHH), which is among the most modern centers for radiotherapy, radiosurgery and diagnostics in the world. Mr. Fehlauer has participated in the Tourism Scholarship of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), to the 48th annual meeting, as well as in the Tourism Scholarship, to the 8th Clinical Symposium of Radiobiology. The research in this prestigious setting was funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the European Cancer Center (ECC Amsterdam), Schleswig-Holstein Cancer Society and Kreitz Foundation.
Mr. Fehlauer has published papers for various medical journals (including the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Recovery, Psycho-Oncology, Oncology Research and Anti-cancer Drugs) and is a professional affiliate of numerous international cancer organizations: the German Cancer Society, the Society of Cancer Hamburg, the German society for radiation oncology, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology, the American Society for Radiation Oncology, the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the European Association for Cancer Research, the International Society for Biological Therapy of Cancer.
- Peter Paul Fischer
Short description:
Dr. Peter Fischer is a dentist with German accreditation for DDS (Germany) since 1989. He got his PhD in Stomatology at UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest in 1991 and is a specialist in Implantology, confirmed by BDIZ (Bundesverband der Implantologisch Tätigen Zahnärzte ) “Tātigkeitsschwerpunkt Implantologie” in 1998. He also has a second degree in Stomatology and Dental Surgery from Humbold University in Berlin in 2006.
Dr. Fischer has worked as a dentist in private offices in Düsseldorf and Berlin (Dental Office Dr. Peter Paul Fischer and Dr. Cristina Antoaneta Fischer, Associate).
In 1996, inaugurates in Bucharest the Laboratory of dental technique “Dr. Fischer – Dental Lab ”. Currently, Dr. Fischer is associated with “Hytec Cut” – Milling Center in Romania, based in Bucharest and also works at the dental office “Axelrad and partners”, based in Berlin.
Dr. Fischer is a member of “Zahnärztekammer Berlin” – Federal Dental Association in Germany, member of “SSO” – Swiss Dental Association, member of “UNAS” (Uniunea Naţională a AsociaţiilorStomatologice), has sub-specialization within “ICOI” – International Congress of Oral Implantologists and is a member of the BDIZ – Bundesverband der Implantologisch Tätigen Zahnärzte. He has two articles published in “The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants” and in “Clinical Oral Implants Research”.
- Jose Luis Calvo Guirado
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Dr. Jose Luis Calvo Guirado is a Head Professor and Chairman of the General And Implant Dentistry Course at the Faculty Of Medicine And Dentistry ant Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia in Spain and Head Researcher and Founder of Murcia Biomaterials And Implants Research Group from Murcia, Spain.
Prof. Calvo Guirado has PhD in Stomatology at the University of Murcia, Spain and also a PhD in Biomaterials and Bioengineering from the University of Elche, Alicante, Spain. He also has a European Oral Surgery Certificate obtained from the European Federation of Oral Surgery.
At the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia, Spain, Professor Calvo Guirado is the director of the Clinical and Experimental Research Group, President of the Department of International Dental Research and President of the Master’s program in Oral Implantology.
Internationally, Professor Calvo Guirado is a Research Professor at the School of Oral Medicine, Stony Brook University, New York, USA, Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Stomatology, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Córdoba, Argentina, Founding member of the Scientific Academy of Oral Surgery, San Juan, Argentina and from 2019 a Visiting Professor to the Faculty of Dental Medicine, UTM.
As a chief researcher, he has participated in more than 180 international research projects funded in Germany, Switzerland, France, Serbia, Italy and Spain, the fields covered being biomaterials and dental implants.
He was a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Clinical Oral Implants Research (2014-2018) and is a reviewer for numerous international journals including “The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants”, “Clinical Oral Implants Research”, “The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice ”,“Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan”,“MDPI’s journals”etc.
Prof. Calvo Guirado has published 232 articles, 10 books and 6 book chapters.
- Renate Viebahn-Hansler
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 64 of May 24, 2016, Mrs. Renate Viebahn-Hansler, Chemist Dr. was named Visiting Professor, as associate head of work, to support teaching activities within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine. She is a member of the Society “Dr. J. HANSLER GmbH “, Ozone Technology and Ozone Applications in Medicine.
Mrs. Renate Viebahn-Haensler is a prestigious German chemist, consultant and member of the German Association of Chemists, of the International Ozone Association, member of the board of directors of the German Society for Ozone Applications and member of the board of directors of the German Medical Association for Ozone Applications since 1980, as well as a member of the New York Scientific Academy.
Professor Viebahn-Haensle is a graduate of Tuebingen University, Germany, where she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry in 1969 and a PhD in Philosophy from the same university since 1971.
She has been an assistant professor at Tuebingen University and a professor at the Einstein gymnasium in Reutlingen, Germany and she is the author of the most famous book on ozone therapy: “The Applications of Ozone in Medicine”. The third edition of this book is considered a true bible of ozone therapy.
- José Manuel Sobrino-Heredia
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Mr. JOSÉ MANUEL SOBRINO-HEREDIA has a PhD in law at the University of Santiago de Compostela. For six years he was a lawyer (Référendaire) of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg.
He also served as Vice-President and President of The Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations, First Vice-President of the International Maritime Lawyers Association (France), visiting professor at various American and European universities, including University of Social Sciences from Toulouse, Universities of Pittsburgh, Perpignan, LUISS University Guido Carli, Rome. He is an expert and international consultant in international organizations, national and state agencies (in EU, Canada, Bulgaria, Spain, Estonia, Guatemala, Lithuania, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Poland, Romania, etc.).
In addition, he is a member of numerous scientific councils and main researcher in more than 25 research projects, funded by different public institutions (regional, national and European), as well as a member of the editorial committees or advisory committees of numerous Spanish publications on international law. He is also the author of numerous books and articles published in different languages, on issues related to international public law and European Union law. He holds various awards and distinctions, including the Galicia Research Award and honorary professor award at the University of Vigo.
Heredia’s functiones over the years include: expert of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), for the Andean community, legal advisor on twinning projects between the Spanish Administration and the candidate countries for accession in EU: Lithuania, Poland, Estonia Romania and Bulgaria – EU PHARE Program, expert at the General Fisheries Secretariat of the Search Results Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, for the review of the Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union, member of the Admissions Committee for the thesis within the European Committee of the Regions, from Brussels, legal advisor to the Department of Fishing and Maritime Affairs of the Galician Autonomous Community, director of the European Documentation Centre of the University of A. Coruña, expert in the Andean Community, for the Court of Justice (Quito) and for the Secretariat General (Lima), expert in Republica Guatemala during the territorial dispute with Belize, teaching European Studies at the University of A. Coruña, expert of the European Commission for the Andean Community and Peru, paralegal to the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Luxembourg.
- Eitan Mijiritsky
Short description:
Professor Eitan Mijiritsky works in the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit, within the Department of Otolaryngology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
After obtaining his DMD degree from Tel Aviv University (1991), Professor E. Mijiritsky continued his prosthetic training, receiving the Certificate of Dental Medicine Specialist, in 1997 at the School of Dental Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.
He was a clinical instructor for The Oral Implant Center, Hebrew University – Hadassah Medical Center, EinKerem, Jerusalem and within the Department of Prosthetics, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, EinKerem, Jerusalem.
From 2013-2015 he was a representative of Israel in the Management Committee of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology- COST Association – Action MP1005 ”NAMABIO- From nano to macro biomaterials (design, processing, characterization, modeling) and regenerative applications of stem cells in orthopedics and dental medicine”.
In 2015 he becomes a Visiting Professor at the Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of Dental Medicine, within the Department of Oral Rehabilitation.
Professor E. Mijiritsky obtains in 2018 the European Technician Certificate of Dental Prosthetist, being the first doctor in Israel who is recognized by the European Association of Prosthodontists (EPA) and is a member representative of Israel in the EPA Council.
Professor E. Mijiritsky was an Oral Rehabilitation Consultant for Israeli General Dental Public Health Insurance (“Klalit”), Shila Clinics, a founding member of the Israeli Association of Oral Implantologists (IAOI), a professor at the Center for Oral Implantology, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University, EinKerem, Jerusalem.
Since 2017 Professor E. Mijiritsky is a consultant on Oral Rehabilitation issues and scientific coordinator within the unit of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Professor E. Mijiritsky is an active participant in scientific meetings, has received numerous awards for recognition of professional activity and has participated in 8 grants. He has published 59 articles in international professional literature, being the author of a book and a book chapter.
He is a member of numerous professional societies and committees, such as the Israel Dental Association, the Israel Society of Prosthodontics, the Academy of Osseointegration (AO), the International College of Prosthodontics (ICP), diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), founding member and board member of the Mediterranean Dental Implant Society (MDIS), Co-Chairman of the Mijiritsky Family Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, member of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO).
He is currently the President-elect of The Israel Society of Prosthodontics and a member, representing Israel, of the European Prosthodontic Society.
Professor E. Mijiritsky is aso a member of the Editorial Board of some of the leading international professional journals (International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research, Case reports in Dentistry, Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation).
- Claudia Ghica-Lemarchand
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Mrs. Claudia Ghica-Lemarchand is a professor of Private Law and Criminal Sciences at the Est Créteil University in Paris, where she also teaches students European Criminal Law and Business Criminal Law.
She has a PhD in law at Panthéon-Assas University Paris II, being certified in criminal studies and criminological studies, at the Institute of Criminology in Paris.
In addition, she took courses at the National Institute of Magistracy (INM) and National Institute of Labour and Human Resources (NILHR) – the National Institute of Labor, Employment and Vocational training, where she taught General Criminal Law and Special Criminal Law, as well as at the Institute of Legal Studies of the University Panthéon-Assas Paris II, where he took courses in Special Criminal Law. She also taught criminology courses at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts and in-depth criminal law courses at Paris-Sorbonne University and Panthéon-Assas University Paris II. She was a lecturer at these universities and she has led courses in criminal law at the National Police Training Institute (ICC), at C.N.A.M., at the University of Paris and at the University of Saint-Maur.
Ms. Ghica-Lemarchand has also held, among other things, the membership of the admission committee of the National Police Academy, chairman of the Expert Committee HCERES (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education) in France, legal adviser in criminal law for the Gendarmerie National and collaborator of CREOGN (Center of the National School of Gendarmes Officers), in the field of Criminal Law, member of the National Council of Universities (NCU), section of Private Law and Criminal Justice, member of the Commission on anti-plagiarism ethics at the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest, vice-dean for international relations at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, responsible for the Themis Certificate, certificate of excellence in business law in English, member of the board of the Faculty of Law, head of the UPEC foreign student admissions committee, member of Scientific Council at the same university and member of the Admissions Committee for foreign students, member of the Examination Committee for access to the profession of lawyer at the University of Western Brittany, member of the Study Commission on the creation of a municipal police in Paris, by the City of Paris.
Author of numerous publications in the field of criminal law, civil law and international law, Mrs. Claudia Ghica-Lemarchand has also been part of two drafting committees of the UTM, is also a member of the editorial board of the “Annals of the Titu Maiorescu University”, from 2007 and a member of the editorial committee of the magazine “Megabyte”, Titu Maiorescu University, since 2009.
- Liran Levin
Short description:
Professor Liran Levin is the Director of the Department of Periodontology at the Faculty of Medicine and Dental Medicine, University of Alberta, Canada. He is also a visiting professor at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA.
Professor Liran Levin was the head of the Research Department of the School of Stomatology, Rambam Health Care Campus and of the Faculty of Medicine – Technion IIT Haifa, Israel.
Professor Liran Levin obtained the DMD diploma at Tel Aviv University and completed his Postgraduate Program in Periodontology in the Department of Periodontology Rambam Health Care Campus. He has also received the Technician Certificate in Periodontology from the European Federation of Periodontology and is a member of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada.
Professor Liran Levin has published more than 250 articles and chapters in books in the international profile literature and is involved in research mainly in the fields of periodontology, implantology and dental trauma. He has given courses both nationally and internationally with dental implants and periodontal diseases.
Professor Levin is Associate Editor of the International Dental Journal, the Quintessence International, Dental Traumatology and a member of the Editorial Committee and a manuscript reviewer for some of the top professional journals in the fields of periodontology, implantology, dental trauma and general dentistry.
Professor Liran Levin was the chairman of the Ethics Committee in Dental Research of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Currently, he is the President-elect of the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT).
- Uwe-Bernd Liehr
Short description:
By the UTM Senate Decision no. 15 from 02.11.2016, M.D. PhD Uwe-Bernd Liehr was granted the status of visiting professor invited to theach for the 2016-2017 academic year, under the program of Medicine studies. He is the Deputy Director of the Department of Urology at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany.
Mr. Uwe-Bernd Liehr is the Deputy Director of the University Hospital of Urology in Magdeburg.
After graduating from Otto-von-Guericke University School of Medicine, in 1999, Dr. Liehr worked as a medical assistant in surgery at the University Hospital of Pediatric Urology and Urology in Magdeburg, Germany.
In 2005, Mr. Liehr completed his residency in urology, and a year later he got his PhD in the field of cancer treatment, the topic of his thesis being renal cell carcinoma. In 2006, he was appointed permanent doctor of the University Hospital of Urology, and from 2007 he also holds the management position mentioned above within the hospital.
The specialization of Dr. Liehr also refers to the field of pediatric urology. His clinical and scientific goals include surgical treatment of male incontinence, tumor surgery, laser surgery and the use of laparoscopy in urology, for example in the removal of bladder or kidney stones and implant surgery, such as the use of artificial ureters, as well as treatment. urological malformations in children.
Currently, he is working on the clinical applications of new, minimally invasive percutaneous tumor therapy (irreversible electroporation – IRE or NanoKnife). His research focuses on renal cell carcinoma, an extension of prostate carcinoma.
- Adi Lorean
Short description:
Dr. Adi Lorean has been an instructor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Tel Aviv University in Israel and the secretary of the Israeli Association of Maxillofacial Surgery.
He completed his training in Implantology and Maxillofacial Surgery at Poriya Government Hospital and Queen Victoria Hospital in East Greenstead – England in 1997 and was chief surgeon in the Department of Implantology and Maxillofacial Surgery at Poriya Hospital where he led the training program for residents.
Between 2002-2010, Professor Adi Lorean was the head of the research and development department of “Surgical Development Technologies” of Brainsgate Ltd., which offers a revolutionary treatment for patients with stroke and dementia.
He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Implantology and vice-dean for international affairs at Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania. He is also a Medical Director in two private dental clinics with the main focus on implantology and a member of the advisory committee of ADIN Ltd.
Prof. Lorean has performed clinical studies in more than 20 countries worldwide and is the co-author of 6 US patents, has participated actively in the international education and training program for physicians involved in the research regarding the treatment of stroke patients. He was also involved in a research project on the possibilities of treating peri-implantitis using titanium granules, research carried out by Tigran Ltd.
He is currently involved in research projects related to dental implants applied to diabetic patients, while also studying the long-term outcome of implants applied to healthy patients. He is also working on developing a surgical device for minimally invasive sinus growth.
Professor Lorean has published over 27 articles in the field of implantology and maxillofacial surgery. He has also given numerous lectures, seminars, courses, interactive teaching of live surgery and webinars in Israel and all over the world.
- Joël Monéger
Short description:
Mr. JOËL MONÉGER is professor emeritus of the University of Paris-Dauphine, leading the Jean Monnet Department. He is also an honorary director of the Droit Dauphine Institute. Professor Monéger has been teaching at the University of Paris-Dauphine since 2001, but he has also taught at the University of Orleans in 1984-2001, at Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco and has been Vice-President of Ascola.
Biography:He is a private law professor with extensive teaching experience in France and many other countries (USA, Spain, Argentina, Germany, Morocco and Africa, teaching in French). He is also a consultant for “commercial leasing” and European competition law issues. He is the former director of the Doctoral School, former director of the master’s program in European and International Business Law, as well as honorary dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Management, University of Orleans and a visiting associate professor at Saint Louis University Law School, Missouri (USA) where he teaches annually the course of European Law, as well as the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he holds conferences on the right to free movement in the EU regarding the movement of products, people, etc. and conferences on concentration law.
- Joseph Nissan
Short description:
Prof. Joseph Nissan is a dentist, researcher and specialist in Oral Rehabilitation. He has a DMD diploma (1991) and a specialization in Prosthetics (1997) at the School of Dental Medicine of Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Since 2014, Professor Joseph Nissan is the head of the Department of Oral and Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation at Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petah Tikva.
He is also a member of the Department of Prosthetics (since 1992), being an associate professor of the School of Dental Medicine at Tel-Aviv University, Israel and former director of the Implantology Division (2002-2009) and of the post-graduate Prosthetics Program. Professor Joseph Nissan is a member of the Managing Committee, the Research Committee, the Continued Education Committee, the Education Committee, the Postgraduate Education Committee and the Dental Materials and Equipment Committee of the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine, Israel.
Currently, Prof. Joseph Nissan is the president of the “Israeli Society of Implant-Dentistry” (since 2011) and former president of the Israeli Prosthetic Society (2004-2006). He is also chairman of the “National Council of Prosthetics, Professional Committee” in the Israeli Dental Association and the Ministry of Health of Israel (since 2012).
Since 2016, he is a member of the Scientific Council, the Research Committee, the National Committee for Continuing Education, the National Accreditation Committee, the Committee for Continuing Education in the field of Implantology within the Israeli Dental Association.
Professor Joseph Nissan is a member of the Editorial Board and an international reviewer for leading international professional journals in the fields of prosthetics, dental implantology and general stomatology. Professor Joseph Nissan has participated in 20 grants, published around 100 articles in international specialty literature, is the publisher of a book and eight book chapters in the field of Prosthetics and is involved in research mainly in fixed prosthetics, implantology and dental aesthetics. He has been quoted in the literature more than 3,000 times, having a H-index of 33. He has held lectures both nationally and internationally in the fields of implant-prosthetics and fixed prosthetics and is an international lecturer of the FDI-World Dental Federation.
The main areas of research and the main focus of his lectures are Prosthetics and Implantology, including: restoration of endodontic treated teeth, accuracy of imprinting techniques, biomechanical aspects in implant-prosthetics, importance of imprinting techniques in implant restorations, implications of preserving the extraction site, implant restorations and implants on the jaws, aesthetic and restorative result of prosthesis on implants in the case of the atrophic alveolar ridge.
- Gabriela Oanță
Short description:
Mrs. Gabriela Oanță is a visiting professor, teaching International Public Law and International Relations at the University of A. Coruña (Spain) and currently holds the position of director of the “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute of the same university. She is coordinating the Jean Monnet Chair for “Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union”. She is a member of the WG1 of MARSAFENET since 2012, as well as a member of different research groups and projects funded by various international and Spanish research institutions.
Since 2008, Ms. Gabriela Oanță’s research has focused on International Maritime Law, the Common Fishery Policy and International Law for Developing Countries. She is a researcher at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, interested in the development of agreements on international fishing, long-term fishing and cooperation, international development, enlargement of the European Union and development of the Common Fishery Policy.
She has taught at various universities in Armenia, France, Italy, Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And, she has been a guest researcher at the Academy of International Law in Hague (Hague, The Netherlands), the Dutch Institute for the Law of the Sea (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) and LUISS Università Guido Carli (Rome, Italy). In addition to the teaching activities at the University of A. Coruña, Mrs. Oanță is also a visiting professor at the “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute of European Studies, as well as a visiting professor at the University of Vigo (Ourense Campus), in 2006-2018.
She is also director of the “Salvador de Madariaga” University Institute of European Studies at the University of A. Coruña, director of the European Documentation Center in A. Coruña, director of the specific postgraduate training course “Integrated Maritime Policy of the European Union” co-financed by the European Commission and mediator of the Interest Group on the Law of the Sea (LAWSEA) within the European Society of International Law (ESIL).
Mrs. Oanță is the author of two books (one co-authored with Jacobo Ríos, professor of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia in France), but she has also written several chapters of books published by prestigious publishers and articles of legal specialty published by Web of Science (Journal Citation Reports), SCOPUS and other Spanish legal magazines. On an academic level, she is a member of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Institutions of Law of the European Union”, of the University of A. Coruña, a member of the research group “Current problems of International and European law” of the same university, a member of the network of excellence “New scenarios for maritime fishery and the protection of sailors”, led by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, member of the research project “Public-private partnership for development and cooperation in the fishery sector: Spanish fishing companies from developing countries”, organized by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, member of the experts’ network on the legal aspects of maritime security (MARSAFENET).
- Lamberto Re
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 15 from 08.12.2015, M.D. PhD Lamberto Re, from Medinat SRLA Clinic for Beauty & Pain in Marche Region, Italy was named visiting professor to support didactic activities within the postgraduate program of Oxygen-Ozonotherapy, in the second semester of the academic year 2015-2016. He is a professor of toxicology at the University of Ancona, Italy, an international expert in ozone therapy. Also, by UTM Senate Decision no. 64 from May 24, 2016, he was named a visiting professor, as a high-value specialist, within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine.
Professor Lamberto Re was a professor of “Molecular and cellular pharmacology” at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ancona, and he was also a professor of “Pharmacological biotechnology” and “Pharmacology” at the Faculty of Sciences of the same University. He is an expert in basic experimental pharmacology techniques, such as in-vitro tests and in vivo experimental toxicology. In collaboration with Dr. Walter Stühmer and Dr. Erwin Neher, from the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen, Professor Lamberto Re became an expert in the technique “Loose Patch Clamp” and “Patch Clamp” for the characterization of synaptic transmissions in the synapses of the central nervous system. and peripheral.
At the invitation of the Editorial Board of the Medical Research Archive, Mr. Lamberto Re has been included in the International Editorial Committee since July 1994, becoming the coordinator of numerous international journals of pharmacology, general pharmacological research, toxicology, chemical biology and drug design. Working in the field of herbal medicine and natural medicine, he became interested in the field of ozone therapy, a work field in which he has taken part in basic studies and clinical studies on the characterization of the mechanisms of action of ozone-oxygen mixtures. In 1999, he published his first main work that demonstrated the effects on intracellular calcium induced by low doses of ozone. Currently, he is the author of more than 200 publications in this medical field.
Since the beginning of his full-time research and clinical activity, he has gained extensive experience in treatment therapy with ozone and oxygen mixtures. He is currently enjoying a special recognition for his medical research, being one of the highest regarded international experts in the field of ozone therapy.
As a teacher and lecturer in ozone therapy and its medical uses in sports and pain disorders, he has given numerous courses in the US (Phil Mollica ODS Center, since 2008) and in Dubai (for the CAM service of the Minister of Health), between 2005 and 2008, participating to an impressive number of conferences and events in the field of ozone therapy.
Also, Mr. Re is a member and co-founder of the company “Potenzi Attiva” with the stated purpose of encouraging and supporting the development of scientific and ethical therapeutic resources for biological improvements of men. He is a member of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, member of the Latin-American Society of Natural and Traditional Medicine, member of the Italian Medical Ozone Association, of the Italian Federation of Oxygen Ozone Therapy (FIO) being included in the Scientific Committee of the same federation and President of the FIO in June 2015, member of the Spanish Association AEPROMO, honorary member of SOVEOT , The Venezuelan Ozonotherapy Society and chairman of the WFOT Scientific Committee from 2015 to 2019.
- Nachum Raphael Samet
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Dr. Nachum Samet served as Lecturer in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at Harvard School of Dental Medicine until 2010. He was also Director of the Doctoral School of Dental Prosthetics from 2003 to 2008.
Dr. Nachum Samet served as Lecturer in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at Harvard School of Dental Medicine until 2010. He was also Director of the Doctoral School of Dental Prosthetics from 2003 to 2008.
Dr. Nachum Samet holds numerous dental degrees, but also a dentistry certification from Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Israel. He is a member of several professional organizations, including the Academy of Osseointegration, the American Academy of Periodontology and the American Dental Education Association, where he also serves as secretary at the Prosthetics Section.
A graduate of doctoral and postdoctoral studies in dental prosthetics, Professor Nachum Samet contributed to the evolution of the curriculum in prosthetic research at both Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Dental Medicine and Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He also organized and held lectures on dental implants and treatment planning.
Professor Nachum Samet has received numerous recognition awards, including Distinguished Junior Faculty Award from Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2006 and was honored by Harvard University with the distinction of “one of its best teachers” in 2007.
Professor Nachum Samet conducts studies of clinical research, teaching and practicing in the implant-prosthetic field. Having more than 20 years of experience in dentistry and dental implants, he is also the author of numerous publications on this subject matter.
- Michael Stehling
Short description:
By the UTM Senate Decision no. 68 from 28.04.2017, Mr. Michael Stehling became a visiting professor as part of the Medicine study program, for the academic year 2017-2018. He has a PhD in medicine, and he is a university professor in the Department of Medical Imagery, Jerusalem University, as well as a researcher at the University of Berkeley, California.
Mr. Michael Stehling has a PhD in medicine, graduating magna cum laude, from the JWG University, Frankfurt, Germany in the Department of Diagnostic Radiology – Nero-radiology, as well as a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Nottingham, England, UK, graduating from the Department of physics, where he studied under the coordination of Sir Peter Mansfield, Nobel laureate in medicine, for magnetic resonance imagery. Also, Dr. Stehling holds a pedagogical certification, a PhD in Medicine from Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany.
Professor Michael K. Stehling is a recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate disorders. As a director, Professor Stehling ran the Prostate Treatment Center he founded in Offenbach, specializing in the most advanced minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment techniques for prostate cancer and other prostate disorders. The center is a world-leading authority in the field of IRE / NanoKnife prostate cancer treatment, an innovative prostate cancer treatment technique, often utilized and also refined by Dr. Stehling and his team.
Professor Stehling specializes in advanced MRI diagnosis of prostate cancer. Magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate allows accurate diagnosis without invasive procedure and without pain or radiation exposure. Being one of the minds with a significant contribution to the development of magnetic resonance imagery, Professor Stehling is also one of the most experienced specialists in this field.
In the university environment, he has held positions such as: Radiology Clinician at the Radiology Department, Beth Israel Hospital, within the Harvard University School of Medicine; Radiologist and director of the MRI Investigation Department at the Institute of Diagnostic Radiology of Ludwig Maximilian University Hospital in Großhadern, Germany; Assistant Professor of Radiology at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, and Associate Professor of Radiology, Boston University School of Medicine.
He has patented, along with other prestigious names in medicine: the nuclear magnetic resonance tomography – a device that can operate with a pulse sequence according to the ultrasound method, as well as a series of methods and operating systems for tissue ablation devices.
- Vincenzo Simonetti
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 64 from May 24, 2016, Mr. Vincenzo Simonetti – from the Italian Association of Oxygen-Ozonotherapy – was named visiting professor as head of works, to support didactic activities within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine.
Mr. Vincenzo Simonetti is a renowned European physician in the field of ozone therapy. He is part of the team of researchers who have patented the improved cerebrovascular model through ozone autohemotherapy: an entropy-based study in patients with multiple sclerosis, with impact in multiple fields: medicine, biology, engineering, being also involved in the research project, which has succeeded in patenting time analysis and the frequency of quasi-periodic infrared signals for evaluating the long-term effects of ozone autohemotherapy in multiple sclerosis.
Mr. Simonetti was a resident of Molinette di Torino Hospital, the General Surgery Department chaired by Professor G. Giordanengo, where he worked from 1965 to 1970. He has a degree in Medicine and Surgery, specializing in general surgery. In his activity at Molinette Hospital in Turin, he served as 1st level surgical assistant, being then a family doctor for a very long period starting from 1971 until 2009.
Dr. Simonetti has been practicing both ozone therapy and chelation treatment since 1992. He was a lecturer in the master program in ozone therapy at Titu Majurescu University in Bucharest between 2008 and 2016, as well as at the Western University of Timișoara and the University Carol Davila, Bucharest between 2017 and 2018. Also, starting from 2011 he was a lecturer in the master program in ozone therapy at the University of Pavia.
He is a member of the National Governance of the Italian Society for Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (S.I.O.O.T.), a member of the Committee on Protocols and Research of the S.I.O.O.T., former president of the Association KAOS Onlus, member of AMPAS.
As pioneer practitioner in the field of ozone therapy, the Italian physician, Vincenzo Simonetti is one of the most well-known personalities in this field, enjoying international recognition for his published work on ozone therapy and cancer treatment studies, being invited to participate and share his vast experience as a speaker at numerous national and international ozone therapy congresses.
- Tiron Ștefan
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 61 of 28.04.2015 Dr. Tiron Ștefan was named a visiting professor and lecturer, to support didactic activities within the postgraduate course of training in Oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine, for a period of 1 year. Also, by UTM Senate Decision no. 64 from May 24, 2016, he was also invited as a high-value specialist, becoming a guest associate professor, within the postgraduate program of continuous professional training and development in oxygen-ozone therapy, organized by the Faculty of Medicine.
Dr. Ștefan Tiron is a primary orthopedic doctor, with a specialization in post-urology and ozone therapy. On November 9-10, 2019, in Guangzhou (China), at the 6th World Ozone Congress, he was elected as president by the General Assembly of W.F.O.T.
Mr. Tiron is the founding President of the Romanian Posturology Society, as well as of the Romanian Scientific Society of Oxygen-Ozone-Therapy, also being a member of the Management Committee of the Romanian Medical Association, of the Italian Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy (SIOOT) and of the SIOOT International Posturology Society.
He is a specialist in orthopedics and traumatology, sports traumatology, arthroscopy, also having an over-specialization in Sports Traumatology and Orthopedics at the University Hospital in London. He also holds a master’s degree in Public Health Management and Health Services.
He received his residency in the Surgery specialty at AEPS-DIS, Paris and underwent a surgery internship at the Clinical Hospital “Antoine Beclaire”, the Surgery Clinic of Professor Franco.
He was a specialist in Orthopedics-Traumatology at the University Hospital, Bucharest, director of the EU Health Programme, within the Ministry of Health, General Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family, counselor of the National Health Insurance House, Romania’s representative European Committee for Health, coordinator of the integration of the activity of the donors in the field of health, manager of the private clinic “American Medical Center” and of the private clinic “Dr. Tiron Medical Center”, Vice-President of the Box Section of the Dinamo Club Bucharest.
He regularly gives lectures and participates in recognized presentations and conferences in the field of ozone therapy, in Romania and Italy, being the initiator and organizer of the International Conference with the theme: “Health Issues of Common Interest for Romania and the European Union” (Bucharest – October 2000).
- Yaman Tokat
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 84 of 09.06.2015, Professor Yaman Tokat was named a Visiting Professor, teaching guest, to support teaching activities within the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Medicine, for the 2015-2016 academic year. He is a professor of general surgery at Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, Director of the Department of General Surgery and Organ Transplant.
Mr. Yaman Tokat, a university professor, is one of the most renowned specialists in liver surgery worldwide, being a specialist in treating pathologies such as: liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatobiliary cancer, pancreatic tumors, other hepato-biliary and pancreatic diseases. He graduated and sustained his residency in General Surgery in 1992 within the Department of General Surgery of the Faculty of Aegean Medicine, is the founder of the Liver Transplant Program within the Faculty of Aegean Medicine (in 1994). He performed the first partial successful liver transplant from a living donor in Turkey. Profesor M.D. PhD Yaman Tokat is the director of the Liver Transplant Center of the Florence Nightingale Public Hospital, a function from which he helped to evaluate and set up numerous teams both in Turkey and worldwide, with over 1500 liver transplants at this successful center, which has been chosen by the European Society for Organ Transplant as the only institution eligible for training specialists on the many of the methods in liver transplantation from a living donor, trainings held and perfected by Dr. Yaman Tokat and his team, who currently perform over 100 transplants per year.
- Christoph C. Zielinski
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By the UTM Senate Decision no. 85 from 09.06.2015, Mr. Christoph C. Zielinski was named Visiting Professor, to support teaching activities within the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Medicine, for the 2015-2016 academic year. He is a professor of medicine, immunology and medical oncology at the Medical University of Vienna, director of the Clinical Division of Oncology, head of the Department of Medicine I, director of the Research Center for Cancer at the Medical University of Vienna and the General Hospital Vienna.
Professor CHRISTOPH C. ZIELINSKI is a leading world-renowned personality in medicine, with an exceptional career and activity in the field of oncology. He is also President of the European Center of the Oncology Cooperation Group, a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), local councilor of European Cancer Organization (ECCO). As a physician, his main areas of expertise include oncology, internal medicine, hematology and clinical immunology. He is the holder of numerous awards and distinctions, including the Vienna City Prize for Medical Sciences and a gold medal for services to the province of Vienna, receiving in 2014 the Great Silver Medal for Services to the Republic of Austria, and in 2016, the Central European Grand Prize of Vienna for interdisciplinary research and innovation related to cancer.
Professor Zielinski is the director of the Vienna Cancer Center (VCC), a center that coordinates cancer care and clinical studies in Vienna. The VCC was established in 2018. Since 1999, Professor Zielinski has been the president of the Central European Group of Cooperative Oncology, which conducts clinical studies and major educational activities through its Academy, in 23 countries, in Central and South-Eastern Europe.
Professor Zielinski completed his medical training at the University Hospital Vienna and began his career as a researcher at the Tufts University Cancer Research Center, Boston, USA. From 2004 to 2017 he was chairman of the Department of Medicine I and its Division of clinical oncology, and from 2010 to 2018 director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Medical University Vienna – General Hospital. His recent clinical research activities cover a wide range of cancer therapies, with a particular focus on clinical studies, breast and lung cancer research, including the development of immunotherapy and targeted drug concepts. He has published about 600 original works and reviews in journals and many books. His H-Index is 67 years old, and the citations of the documents written by him exceed 19,000. Prof. Zielinski is editor-in-chief of the online journal “ESMO Open – Cancer Horizons”, which is one of the two scientific journals of the European Society for Medical Oncology published by the BMJ group, and – in this position – is a member of the Council of ESMO.
Professor Zielinski is also a member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) where he served on the Executive Committee, as well as chairman of the Scholarship and Awards Committee from 2014 to 2017. He was a local representative at the 2012 ESMO annual meeting and at the ECC 2015 meeting.
In addition, Prof. Zielinski is an honorary member of the Polish Society of Surgical Oncology and also a member of the Austrian Society of Haematology and Medical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (CSCO).