Titu Maiorescu University Day, An Occasion To Celebrate High Quality Education And Research
On April 23rd, 2021, Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest celebrates 31 years since its establishment. The University Day is an source of joy and celebration, but, at the same time, of reflection on the University’s institutional mission, the role of education and research in the development of society.
Founded in 1990, the University has chosen the founder of modern Romanian culture and civilization, Titu Maiorescu to be its mentor. This was an option with symbolic and programmatic value, through which the institution defined its identity in higher education and its directions of evolution. Education as a fundamental factor in development, cultivating quality and excellence, adopting the European university model, encouraging free and creative thinking, cultivating value and merit, European spirit, comprehensive openness to knowledge, supporting competitiveness and performance, receptivity to the evolution of ideas and to the societal needs, all these were and remained guiding principles of the existence and development of Titu Maiorescu University.
After over three decades of continuous evolution, Titu Maiorescu University is today one of the most valuable universities in Romania, recognized as such in the Romanian and international academic space. Through the structure, through the complexity and diversity of the study programs, the institution honors its name of university, in the spirit of the great European university. The academic portfolio of the University is an impressive one: 10 faculties, 20 bachelor’s programs in full-time education and five in distance education, 26 master’s programs, three doctoral schools, psycho-pedagogical department, postgraduate courses, Romanian language preparatory program for foreign citizens, study programs in Romanian and English, research institutes, European projects, prodigious scientific activity, prestigious academic collaborations and partnerships. These elements of vision and structure create a unique institutional identity, of a European university open to the future, located under the auspices of quality and excellence. As a university of advanced research and education, Titu Maiorescu University also certifies its status of excellence through the ARACIS rating: “high degree of trust”.
Titu Maiorescu University is the joint work of several generations, yesterday and today, who, in a synergistic effort, participated in building . The Majorcan academic community has thus built a modern, European University, whose prestige is based on an elite reality and on results in education and research that are competitive at an international level. In the continuous development process, the University conceives its future on the main lines of evolution, in terms of quality, excellence and performance, under the sign of European values and under the tutelary genius of Titu Maiorescu.
De Ziua Universității Titu Maiorescu, Ziua Sfântului Gheorghe, purtătorul de biruință, ne dorim să rămânem o Universitate unită și puternică, guvernată de spirit academic, de valori etice și deontologice, o instituție de elită a educației, cercetării și cunoașterii. La cei 31 de ani de existență, îi urăm Universității Titu Maiorescu noi succese pe drumul impetuos al evoluției, creștere continuă și la mulți ani! Iar comunității academice maioresciene, rezultate excepționale în activitate, bucurie, sănătate, putere și energie creatoare, mulți și fericiți ani! Vivat, Crescat, Floreat!
On Titu Maiorescu University Day, Saint George’s Day, the bearer of victory, we want to remain a united and strong University, governed by academic spirit, ethical and deontological values, an elite institution of education, research and knowledge. on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of its existence, we wish Titu Maiorescu University new successes on the impetuous path of evolution, continuous growth for many years to come! And to the Maiorescian academic community, exceptional results in activity, joy, health, power and creative energy, many happy years! Vivat, Crescat, Floreat!
The Management of Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest