The International Conference on Law, European Studies, and International Relations,
on The Topic “Mapping the Law Between Legislative Gaps, Normative Excess, and New Legal Frontiers in the Digital Age”
Faculty of Law
“Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest
Bucharest, May 13-14, 2025
With extensive experience in organizing international scientific events, “Titu Maiorescu” University launched a new scientific challenge in 2013 by initiating the International Conference on Law, European Studies, and International Relations. At its initial editions, over 700 scientific papers were presented by renowned professors, researchers, and PhD students from Romania and abroad. The ten editions of the conference, held in three languages—Romanian, English, and French—welcomed over 50 professors from universities in Spain, Italy, France, Israel, Poland, Bulgaria, Morocco, Germany, and India.
The volumes published during the first eight editions of the conference, produced by Hamangiu Publishing House, were distributed to each participant, distinguished law professors in Romania, and university libraries. These volumes bear ISBN numbers ISBN 978-606-678642-3, ISBN 978-606-27-0020-1, ISBN 978-606-27-0222-9, ISBN 978-606-27-0607-4, ISBN 978-606-27-0879-5, ISBN 978-606-27-1250-1, ISBN 978-606-27-1474-1, ISBN 978606-27-1595-3, and are indexed in BDI databases. The volumes from the last four editions (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) were published by Universul Juridic Publishing House with ISBN 978-606-39-0912-2, ISSN 2668-0203 and ISSN-L 2668-0203, ISBN 978-606-39-1232-0, ISBN 978-606-39-1398-3, ISBN 978-606-39-1501-7 and are indexed in three international databases: CEEOL HeinOnline and EBSCO.
The International Conference on Law, European Studies, and International Relations aims to bring together scholars from the academic field, researchers, university professors, PhD students, master’s students, undergraduates, and, not least, legal practitioners and representatives of legal professions to exchange and share their experiences and research results on various aspects related to legislative reform in light of new national, European, and international trends regarding the proposed theme of the edition, as well as to discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
Although the primary purpose of regulation is to protect public and private interests, normative excess or, conversely, legislative gaps can lead to confusion, ambiguity, and difficulties in applying the law to various factual situations. In such cases, laws and regulations may become difficult to understand and apply not only for citizens but also for organizations and even authorities.
The conference also highlights the need to rethink the law as an instrument of balance, protecting citizens from risks generated by new technologies while simultaneously encouraging technological progress. We live in an era marked by the rapid advancement of technology, where legislation on data protection, artificial intelligence, or digital rights does not sufficiently cover the practical situations that may arise. Therefore, legal practitioners from all fields are invited to contribute to identifying the problems caused by legislative voids or, on the contrary, by overregulation, and to outline solutions that enable national legislation to keep pace with the changes brought by technological progress. This way, the legal system can evolve in response to these new realities.
In a world where legal systems increasingly intersect, and legal experience undergoes constant transformation, we seek to collectively analyze doctrinal foundations, discover adequate practical solutions, and generate scientific research outcomes through the collaborative energy of this conference — a necessary and perpetual upgrade to respond to diversity and contemporary challenges.
We are convinced that this important scientific event will be one of the most prestigious gatherings on the national legal calendar, with an international impact, providing an opportunity to discuss contemporary issues concerning the universal nature of law while remaining highly relevant to society, economic, cultural, and linguistic environments, and the legal community. The conference aims to highlight new solutions and interpretations that bridge legislative tradition and modern values.
Hoping that the conference theme will stimulate interest in interdisciplinary and thought-provoking areas of research, we invite you to take part in the debate on the mapping of law between legislative gaps, normative excess, and new legal frontiers in the digital age.
The presentation of conference papers will take place in plenary and section sessions.
- Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos ”Salvador de Madariaga”-Universidade de A Coruña
- The Association Of Latin Law Faculties (AFDL)
- “Titu Maiorescu” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
- “Ovidius” University of Constanța, Faculty of Law And Administrative Sciences
- “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Law
- “Transilvania” University of Brașov, Faculty of Law
For more information about the conference, please visit the “Titu Maiorescu” University/Faculty of Law website:
- Paper submission deadline: March 30, 2025 (submission in Romanian, following editorial requirements)
- Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2025;
- Submission of the English version of the paper (including required modifications from the peer review committee): April 25, 2025;
- Conference dates: May 13-14, 2025.
Papers will be sent to the email address: (contact persons Mădălina Dinu – 0727.277.775, Alina-Monica Axente – 0745.053.322).
Each author may participate in the International Conference on Law, European Studies, and International Relations with a maximum of two papers (papers with more than two co-authors are not accepted). The participation fee is charged per paper. Presentation of the papers by the authors during the conference is a mandatory requirement for their publication in the conference volume.
Conference papers will be reviewed by a peer review committee to assess whether they meet the substantive and formal criteria required for presentation and publication.
To qualify as a presentation at an international conference, papers may be presented, upon request, in an internationally recognized language (English, French, Spanish, Italian, or German).
The conference volume will be published by a prestigious publishing house and will be indexed in at least two international databases recognized by the Law Commission of CNATDCU.
Participation Fee
400 RON for publication in the conference volume and indexing in at least two international databases recognized by the Law Commission of CNATDCU.
The fee is charged per paper and must be paid by April 30, 2025 at the latest.
Payment should be made to Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest, in the following account at B.C.R.: RO49RNCB0546029228350001, Fiscal code: RO4337662 of at the Cashier’s office of Titu Maiorescu University – str. Dâmbovnicului nr. 22, sector 4 Bucharest (in cash or card).
The payment document must include the note: “International Conference on Law, European Studies, and International Relations 2025”.
The proof of payment must be sent to:
The participation fee is non-refundable if the peer reviewers determine that the article does not meet the required scientific research standards for indexing.
The conference will take place in person in Bucharest, at the Faculty of Law – “Titu Maiorescu” University, Calea Văcărești No. 187, Sector 4 (remote participation will be available upon request.).
Please, check all the details here