The Black Sea at a Legal Crossroads: Perspectives from the International Law,
European Union Law and National Law

La mer Noire à un carrefour juridique : perspectives du droit international,
du droit de l’Union européenne et du droit national


The VII Ordinary AssIDMer Conference takes place between 27-28 June 2024 at Ovidiu University in Constanța. The theme of the Conference is The Black Sea at a Legal Crossroads: Perspectives from the International Law, European Union Law and National Law.

Titu Maiorescu University is part of the organizing and coordinating team at the conference, the Dean from the Faculty of Law Professor Manuela Tăbăraș will have an introduction word at Day One of the conference. She will also contribute in the last session with the topic Jurisdiction in The Private Law in The Black Sea Area. At the first session, Professor Daniela Panc is going to present the theme: Romania’s Cooperation mechanism in the Black Sea Region. Professor Felicia Maxim the Vice Dean from the Faculty of Law is presenting the topic: The Black Sea and the European Regional Courts or Tribunals. In the last session Professor Mădălina Dinu will close the conference with the theme Features of The Arbitration Clause in Maritime Transport Contracts in The Black Sea.

Titu Maiorescu University and the team from the Faculty of Law expresses many thanks to Professor Gabriela Oanță director of Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos “Salvador de Madariaga” – University of A Coruña; Professor Adrian Stoica Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Ovidius University of Constanța; and to Giuseppe Cataldi, President of the Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer (AssIDMer) Representatives of local authorities.

Please check the schedule click here