About Us
The Teacher Training Department received the opinion of the ARACIS Council (15.11.2013 / no.8454) on “Accreditation of the Psycho-pedagogical Training Program for the Certification of Competencies for the Didactic profession, degree of TRUST, the form of DE”.
The program of psycho-pedagogical training is organized in accordance with the MECTS Order no. 5745/2012 regarding the approval of the framework methodology for the organization of the psycho-pedagogical training programs for the certification of competences for the didactic profession.
S.P.D.P.P. performs the activities of the Psycho-pedagogical Training Programs and Certification of Competences for the Didactic Profession, through a specific, unitary education plan, at national level, according to the Order no.5745 of 13 September 201012 and the Framework Methodology of M.E.C.T.S.
Psycho-pedagogical training programs are organized in the form of frequency learning in the transferable study credit system.
The Teacher Training Department is a specialized department for the psycho-pedagogical and methodical professionalisation of students and graduates of higher education who opt for the teaching profession and ensures:
- Achieving performance and efficiency indicators in line with current quality standards specific to teacher training.
- Implementing education modernization solutions through access to the most up-to-date training and further education programs for future teachers.