For the attention of all students from years I – V (academic year 2023-2024), from all study programs in cycles I (bachelor), II (master) and III (doctorate):

In the period August – September 2024, for all students of the non-terminal study years (I – V), related to the academic year 2023-2024, the student portal will be operated with the addition of the study year in which they are about to enter, respectively in the II- VI, related to the academic year 2024-2025. This change will operate with the sole purpose of allowing the payment of at least the first installment of the tuition fee, for the academic year 2024-2025.

This operation does NOT involve the automatic promotion of students in the following academic year, promotion which is also conditioned by the accumulation of the minimum number of credits required.


Who can connect to the portal?

Any student / master student / doctorate / resident / student enrolled starting with the academic year 2020 – 2021, who has an Office 365 account provided by UTM and who received the student code on the Office 365 email address.


How to connect to the portal?

The connection is made by filling in the 2 fields on the first page:

  1. The Office 365 account offered by TMU with the termination, or
  2. The student’s code sent to the Office 365 email address by the IT Department.

If you do not know your login credentials to the portal, please contact the IT Department: email, telephone +40724.244.171.


What does the portal contain?

After logging in, the portal provides the user with the following information:

For tuition fee:

  1. Outstanding tuition fee at each installment (1st installment, 2nd installment, 3rd installment)
  2. Automatic calculation of the number of penalty days, including the penalty in EUR (if the payment deadline has been exceeded)
  3. Automatic calculation of the outstanding debt (fee and penalty) in RON at the current day BNR (National Bank of Romania) exchange rate

For other fees: displaying the amount of fee in RON, according to the fees nomenclature.

The student can view their marks at the exams held in the winter session starting with the year 2020 – 2021.


What does the portal offer?

For tuition fee:

  1. Payment of tuition fee in chronological order of installments
  2. Full or partial payment of the outstanding debt, including the penalty (if the payment deadline has been exceeded)

For other fees:

  1. Payment of the fee
  2. Payment of the same fee several times, the field of observation can be filled in before making the payment.


Technical support

If you cannot connect to the portal, please contact the IT Department: email, telephone +40724.244.171.

For any questions regarding the outstanding debt of the tuition fee, please contact the Tax Office: email, telephone +4021.316.16.45.

For any questions regarding the grades displayed on the portal, please contact the secretariat of the faculty where you are enrolled.