ISIC UTM – Your International Student Card!
Starting with the 2022-2023 academic year, Titu Maiorescu University students benefit from the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). ISIC – UTM is the most advanced student ID card! All UTM students can obtain it in digital format, in just 3 minutes. Your benefits as a student: ISIC – UTM ID card is fully […]
17th of November International Students’ Day!
Today, on 17th of November, we celebrate: International Students’ Day! International Students’ Day is celebrated every year on 17th of November. In 1941, it has been officially recognized as an international celebration by the International Students’ Council to commemorate the 1939 events held in Prague. We wish all students to follow the path […]
Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2022-2023!
Schedule for the Opening of the 2022-2023 University Year Aula Magna – 03.10.2022 (UTM Campus Calea Văcărești no. 189, building M, 2nd floor) Singing the National anthem Opening of the event – Prof. Univ.Dr. Iosif Urs, President of UTM Rector’s speech – Prof. Univ.Dr. Daniel Cochior Academic lecture – Prof. Univ.Dr. […]
Finalizarea Proiectului Dia-Cure
“Terapia pacienților cu diabet zaharat cu celule autologe obținute prin transdiferențierea celulelor hepatice Dia-Cure” SMIS 106897 Institutul de Cercetări Științifice Medicale “Nicolae Cajal” din cadrul Universității “Titu Maiorescu” din București anunță închiderea proiectului de cercetare cu titlul “Terapia pacienților cu diabet zaharat cu celule autologe obținute prin transdiferențierea celulelor hepatice – Dia-Cure” – ID P37_794 – SMIS 106897. Proiectul s-a desfășurat începând cu data de 26 Octombrie 2016, pe parcursul a 66 de luni de implementare, a […]