

Extract from Decision no. 151 of 13th May, 2020 of the Board of Directors of TMU

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Extract from DECISION No. 151 /13th May 2020 ON SPECIAL MEASURES IN THE CONDITIONS OF RAISING THE STATE OF EMERGENCY ON 15 MAY 2020   – On the grounds of art. 213 paragraph (13) of the Law no. 1/2011 for National Education; – Pursuant to art. 96 paragraph (2) of the TMU [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

TMU Makes Visors for Protection Against COVID-19 to be Donated to Hospitals in the Capital City and Other Cities Around the Country

Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest is involved in the fight against the new coronavirus by producing visors with antiviral protection that will be donated to hospitals in Romania. In the current context, in which the Romanian medical system encounters real difficulties in procuring protective equipment against COVID-19 infection, Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest supports the [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

Decision no. 6 of 23rd March, 2020 Regarding the Students Accommodated in the TMU Dormitory

The Executive Operative Bureau of Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest published decision no. 6 of 23rd March. The decision provides measures valid for April for students staying in the dormitory: Students who stay in the dormitory, in April 2020, will pay the full monthly fee, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | Uncategorized

Decision no. 7 of 23rd March, 2020 Regarding the Participation of Teachers in the Organisation and Functioning of Teaching Activities, for the Period From 11th March to 31st March, 2020

The Executive Operative Bureau of Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest published decision no. 7 of 23rd March, 2020. The decision provides measures regarding the organisation and functioning of teaching activities between 11th March and 31st March, 2020 and payment regulations for March 2020. The deans of the faculties, through their councils, will draw up a [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

Project output “Education and Experience Exchange” , Erasmus KA205

After the completion of the “Education and Experience Exchange” project we put together the results of the workshops held in Poland, Turkey and Romania, we analyzed the feedback received from participants and the output consists of an informative booklet/guide on how to use the internet in a safety and productive way. We consider this guide [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | Uncategorized

TMU Adopts Countermeasures to Prevent the Spread of Infection With the New Type of Coronavirus

UPDATE: Titu Maiorescu University’s Management in Bucharest adopts new measures to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus infection In the context of the measures adopted at national level to reduce the risks of spreading the infection with the new Coronavirus, Titu Maiorescu University temporarily suspends the direct teaching activities and the work program with [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

Suspension of All Academic Activities Within the Curricula of the Faculties of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy

As a result of the epidemiological situation created by the spread of Coronavirus (COVID 19) infection cases, the UTM Board of Directors via Decision no. 145 from 9th March 2020 has decided to suspend, as of 10th March 2020, for a period of 4 days, respectively until 13th March 2020, all the academic activities, both [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

Travel Advice in Northern Italy, for Students and Professors. Suspension of practical activities within the curricula of the Faculties of Medicine and Dental Medicine

Due to the epidemiological situation created by the spread of Coronavirus (COVID 19) infection cases and taking into account the Senate's Decision no. 39 of 25th February 2020, the Board of Directors of UTM decided by Decision no. 139 from 27th February 2020 to suspend, for a period of 14 days, starting with 27th February [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

Titu Maiorescu University Announces the Completion of the First Report of the JCOERE Project – a Project with Great Relevance in the European Legislative Space

Titu Maiorescu University announces the completion of the first Report of the JCOERE Project on Judicial Co-Operation supporting Economic Recovery in Europe. It has now been published on the project's website and can be viewed here. The report provides an examination of the substantive regulations set out in the Restructuring and Insolvency Directive (EU) 2017/1132) and [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News

Conference “Artificial Intelligence, Language and Scientific Knowledge”, Titu Maiorescu University-Aula Magna, Bucharest, 20th February, 2020

Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest, General Delegation Wallonia-Brussels in Bucharest AUF Regional Directorate in Central and Eastern Europe invites you to the conference:   "Artificial intelligence, language and scientific knowledge" Lecturer: Michel HERMANS, professor at the University of Liège   This conference is part of the "Challenges and strengths of linguistic plurality in the production [...]
By Ana-Maria Perpelea | News