International university relations are one of the main components of Titu Maiorescu University’s development strategy, in line with the Bologna Declaration on the Creation of a Common European Higher Education Area. The European approach to university education is a defining element of the institution’s identity, in addition to the seriousness and quality of studies in the modern sense of the Bologna concept, namely to prepare students for the global labor market and for future career in the European and pan-European space.
The way a university participates in international academic life, collaborating in programs and projects, both in education and research, which stimulates the mobility of students and teachers is an important criterion for assessing the quality of the institution.
TMU’s international relations are constantly developing. Participation in the Lifelong Learning Program, in particular the ERASMUS Sectoral Program, has a special significance and trains students and teachers from all faculties.
OBJECTIVES ESTABLISHED AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL are an integral part of the policy of quality assurance in education. The Erasmus program contributes to:
- Developing the National Qualifications Framework, in line with the European Qualifications Framework;
- Develop coherent mechanisms for accrediting, recognizing or certifying studies or other learning experiences conducted in formal, non-formal or informal contexts, including the use of Europass and the Diploma Supplement;
- Conceptual development and methodology of guidelines for curriculum development in a harmonized way;
- Establishing the educational and training offer of universities in line with the needs of the European labor market;
- Ensuring the simplicity and diversification of the learning pathways offered to the students, in accordance with the necessities of continual change;
- Improving professional counseling and guidance;
- Reforming the initial and continuing training system of teaching staff for university education;
- Promoting the European dimension in the higher education system, in particular by enhancing inter-university cooperation.
- Université d’Orléans (France)
- Université Paris Est Créteil (fost Paris XII) (France)
- Université Paris-Dauphine (France)
- Université de Nantes (France)
- Universidad de la Coruna (Spain)
- Kadir Has Universitesi (Turkey)
- Universidad de la Laguna (Spain)
- Université Paris VII (France)
- Baltic Psychology and Management University College (Latvia)
- University of Southern Denmark, Odense (Denmark)
- Aydin University (Turkey)
- Kadir Has Universitesi (Turkey)
- Insitut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (France)
- Université d’Orléans (France)
- Université Paris XIII (France)
- Université Paris Est Créteil (fost Paris XII) (France)
- TELECOM Ecole de Management (France)
- Aydin University (Turkey)
- Kadir Has Universitesi (Turkey)
- IFITS – Institut de Formation Interhospitalier Théodore Simon (France)
- Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
- University of Innsbruck (Austria)
- Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
Our faculties continue to develop and diversify their cooperative relationships by identifying and establishing new partnerships that, among other things, enable joint educational and scientific research programs. One such example is the organization of Master’s studies with a double national diploma, French and Romanian, the specialization of International and European Law, joint project of law faculties of TMU and University of Orleans (France).
TMU, teaches about 115 foreign students from EU countries, as well as from Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the USA. Titu Maiorescu University is a member of the European Association of Universities (EUA), the most important organization of higher education institutions in Europe, the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Erasmus Association of European Coordinators (EAEC).
In November 2015, Titu Maiorescu University will hold the 9th edition of the International Conference on “Education and Creativity for a Knowledge Based Society”. At the Rectorate level and in direct collaboration with the faculties, the international internationalization policy of the University is promoted by the International Relations, Community Programs and Foreign Students Service, which ensures the management of the LLP / ERASMUS Program, supports the development of cooperation activities, initiates new partnerships, teachers and Romanian and foreign students.