IEEE EHB Conference    

IEEE International Conference

On E-Health And Bioengineering


9-10 November 2023

11th edition


The IEEE E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB) series is one of the salient international conferences on E-health, bioengineering, biomedical engineering and their applications. The 11-th edition of EHB will be held from 9-10 November 2023 in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, a city with a mix of rich history, culture and a modern appeal.
This annual conference is organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi / Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, and co-organized by Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest.
Other co-organizers are: The Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, and the Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering.
Technical sponsors are: The IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB, IEEE-EMC, IEEE Signal Processing Romania Chapters, and IEEE SMC Romania Chapter.

The program will gather some of the world-class plenary speakers for emerging topics.


EHB 2023 will be a hybrid conference (

The online paper presentation at EHB 2023 is a virtual presentation (in Power Point) held on Zoom Platform. Other technical details will be announced later.

The on-site paper presentation at EHB 2023 is presented in Microsoft Power Point. Other technical details will be announced later.

EHB 2023 conference proceedings will be indexed in IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS and Web of Science Core collection (Clarivate Analytics), as with the last 7 editions.

Special topics and sessions will be
Medicine, Informatics, Economics and Health Informatics where the physicians and economists may publish their latest original studies related to the synergy between those three scientific domains.

You may find the EHB 2023 conference site at and on IEEE site at:


• Medical informatics
• Medical robotics and actuators
• Medical records, clinical, epidemiological and multimedia data bases
• Medical imaging, image and biosignal processing and analysis
• Biosignal processing
• Hospital information systems and healthcare networks
• Telemedicine, e-health and telecommunications
• Wearable systems and sensors, m-health and p-health systems
• Medical devices and equipment
• Measurement and instrumentation in bioengineering
• Artificial intelligence in medicine
• Bioinformatics
• Wireless sensor networks
• Microelectronics
• Healthcare in the space environment
• Healthcare in military domain
• Biomechanics
• Biomaterials
• Biotechnologies
• Bioengineering in dental healh
• Management and marketing in healthcare

Related issues are also welcome


We invite prospective authors to submit full-length papers of 4 pages of technical content. Please refer to the conference webpage ( for more information about paper template and submission guidelines. All accepted papers must be presented at the conference in order to be included in the proceedings. There will be best student papers awards.

The papers can be submitted by using the EasyChair Review & Conference Management System, click here , and the conference index is EHB@Web 2023 .

You may find the EHB 2023 conference site at and on IEEE site at

Important notice: Beginning with June 15-th, the authors may submit their first version of papers, without written authors and affiliations, for double blind reviewing purpose, on EasyChair portal.

Please distribute this call for papers among your colleagues, PhD students, and young researchers (there are prizes for young researchers this year too !).

Also, sponsorship by a 3-rd party is more than welcome, and the organizers can discuss different possibilities in this respect.

For any questions please contact the organizers at:
We also invite you to submit a paper to the Special Issue (SI) “Applications of Wearable Sensors and Image Processing in Assistive and Rehabilitative Technologies”, that was launched at Applied Science journal, IF=2.83, MDPI Publ. House: applsci/special_issues/ PL6R3IHBYA

Deadline for manuscript submissions:

30 March 2024

The SI covers a wide range of topics related to wearable sensors and image processing, including but not limited to the development and implementation of wearable devices, signal and image processing techniques, machine learning algorithms, and clinical applications for assistive technologies.


15 September 2023: Submission of Proposals for Special Sessions
October 1st, 2023: PAPER SUBMISSION (4 pages, in extenso, without written authors and affiliation, for double blind reviewing).
October 15, 2023: Notification on acceptance for regular paper.
October 30, 2023: Submission of camera ready papers.
October 30, 2023: Registration and payment for at least one of the authors.
November 9-10, 2023: EHB 2023 HYBRID Conference, Bucharest, Romania.


Honorary Chair
Metin Akay, USA

General Chair
Hariton Costin, RO

Plenary Sessions Co-Chairs
Hariton Costin, RO
Daniel Cochior, RO

Program Co-Chairs
Alexandru Morega, RO
Liliana Vereștiuc, RO

Special Session Co-Chairs
Titi Paraschiv, RO
Cristian Rotariu, RO
Felix Adochiei, RO

Publication Co-Chairs
Cristian Rotariu, RO
Gladiola Petroiu, RO

Publicity Co-Chairs
Gladiola Petroiu, RO
Dan Postolea, RO
Mihail Popescu, USA
Fabrizio Clemente, IT
Saeid Sanei, UK


Industrial Co-Chairs
Gladiola Petroiu, RO
Titi Paraschiv, RO

Organizing Committee Co-Chairs
Gladiola Petroiu, RO
Cristian Rotariu, RO
Iosif Robi Urs, RO
Titi Paraschiv, RO
Felix Adochiei, RO

Student awards Co-Chairs
Hariton Costin, RO
Liliana Vereștiuc, RO
Jose Rieta, ES

Gladiola Petroiu, RO
Ioana Adochiei, RO












For any questions please contact the organizers at:

EHB 2023 Conference Venue


November 9-10, 2023


ONLINE or ON-SITE – Bucharest, Romania

EHB 2022


The 10-th edition of EHB conference was organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB and IEEE-EMC, IEEE Signal Processing Romania Chapters, and IEEE SMC Romania Chapter and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. It seems to be no limit to what bioengineering could do in next years to revolutionize medical practice. In fact, the next generations of bioengineers and biomedical engineers will probably develop things we can’t even yet imagine or at most we may dream at. This year the conference motto is “Leveraging top technology for healthcare development” and we have to stress that the sub-domains and topics of medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering represent fundamental pillars for the reinforcement of medical research and of health care.

Sponsors: Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch; Romania Section; Romania Section EMB Chapter; Romania Section EMC Chapter; Romania Section SMC Chapter; Romania Section SP Chapter; Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering.

Participant countries: Algeria, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Perú, Philippines, Portugal, Republica Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.

Home (

EHB 2021


The 8-th edition of EHB conference was organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB and IEEE-EMC, IEEE Signal Processing Romania Chapters, and IEEE SMC Romania Chapter and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. It seems to be no limit to what bioengineering could do in next years to revolutionize medical practice. In fact, the next generations of bioengineers and biomedical engineers will probably develop things we can’t even yet imagine or at most we may dream at. This year the conference motto is “Leveraging top technology for healthcare development”.

EHB 2020


The 8-th edition of EHB conference was organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB and IEEE-EMC, IEEE Signal Processing Romania Chapters, and IEEE SMC Romania Chapter and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. It seems to be no limit to what bioengineering could do in next years to revolutionize medical practice. In fact, the next generations of bioengineers and biomedical engineers will probably develop things we can’t even yet imagine or at most we may dream at. This year the conference motto is “Tomorrow’s technology for today’s challenges”.

EHB 2019



The 7-th edition of EHB conference is organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB and IEEE-EMC, IEEE Signal Processing Romania Chapters, and IEEE SMC Romania Chapter and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields.It seems to be no limit to what bioengineering could do in next years to revolutionize medical practice. In fact, the next generations of bioengineers and biomedical engineers will probably develop things we can’t even yet imagine or at most we may dream at. This year the conference motto is “Smarter technology for a better health”.

EHB 2017


The 6-th edition of this biennial conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. Its specific aim and objectives are to promote concepts and advanced hardware and software technologies in the emerging domains of e-health, medical devices and instrumentation, biosignal and image processing, medical informatics, biomechanics, biomaterials, biotechnologies, medical physics, healthcare management, teaching and (e)learning, rehabilitative and assistive technologies, as well as in some younger disciplines such as bioinformatics, systems biology and the virtual physiological human. This year the conference motto is “Developing technologies for a better tomorrow”.

EHB 2015


The 5-th edition of this biennial conference is organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section, IEEE-EMB and IEEE-EMC Romania Chapters, and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering, but also addresses related fields. This year the conference motto is “Challenging Issues for Health and Biomedical Technologies” and we have to stress that the sub-domains and topics of medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering represent fundamental pillars for the reinforcement of medical research and of health care.

EHB 2013


This year the conference motto is “Improving Quality of Life through Research and Innovation,” and we need to stress that the goal mentioned in the motto cannot be achieved without an efficient use of information and management systems and biomedical technology. The 4-th edition of this biannual conference is organized by Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis and technical sponsorship of the IEEE, IEEE Romania Section and IEEE-EMB Romania Chapter, and co-organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Romanian Academy Iasi Branch. The conference is mainly dedicated to the e-health systems, medical bioengineering and biomedical engineering. Its specific goals are to promote concepts and advanced hardware and software technologies in the emerging domains of e-health, medical devices and instrumentation, biosignal and image processing, medical informatics, biomechanics, biomaterials, biotechnologies, medical physics, healthcare management, teaching and (e)learning, rehabilitative and assistive technologies, as well as in some younger disciplines such as bioinformatics, systems biology and the virtual physiological human.

The major purpose of our initiative is to contribute to the reinforcement of the four pillars of a modern health care which include: Improved Quality, Improved Safety, Increased Cost-Effectiveness, Increased Access to Care.

EHB 2011

The main objective of this third conference, organized by the ‘Grigore T. Popa’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iaşi and the Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering, under the aegis of IEEE Romania and IEEE-EMB Romania, is dedicated to the e-health and medical bioengineering in general.
Its goals are to promote concepts and advanced hardware and software technologies in the emerging domains of e-health, medical devices and instrumentation, biosignal and image processing, biomechanics, biomaterials, biotechnologies, healthcare management, also for some younger disciplines like bioinformatics, systems biology or virtual physiological human.

Media and Press Releases
Raport de sinteză EHB 2022

Facultatea de Bioinginerie Medicală din cadrul Universității de Medicină și Farmacie “Grigore T.Popa” din Iași a organizat, împreună cu Societatea Română de Bioinginerie Medicală, cea de-a X-a ediție a conferinței internaționale IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2022, conferință ce s-a desfășurat la Iași, în perioada 17-19 noiembrie 2022. A X-a ediție a conferinței EHB 2022 a fost organizată sub egida IEEE, Secțiunea IEEE România și co-organizată de Academia Română – Filiala Iași, prin Institutul de Informatică Teoretică, iar lucrările acceptate de către comitetul științific vor fi indexate, ca şi la ediţiile precedente, în bazele de date internaționale IEEE Xplore, SCOPUS și World of Science Clarivate Analytics.

Bazându-ne pe convingerea că subdomeniile și temele bioingineriei medicale reprezintă piloni fundamentali pentru consolidarea cercetării și asistenței medicale, anul acesta motto-ul conferinței a fost “Improving Quality of Life through Research and Innovation”.

Deschiderea oficială a conferinței EHB 2022 a avut loc joi 17 noiembrie 2022, ora 9.00, în Sala Eminescu, Hotel Traian, Iași, ȋn prezenţa reprezentanților Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie din Iaşi, a oficialitaţilor locale, invitaţilor de onoare, cadrelor didactice și studenților.
Conferinţa e-Health and Bioengineering EHB 2022 a fost dominată de personalități marcante din domeniul bioingineriei medicale și domenii conexe acesteia, având o participare de 239 de participanți din care 144 români și 95 străini din 28 de țări europene si non-europene, precum: Algérie, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Perú, Philippines, Portugal, Republica Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.
Conferința EHB 2022 a fost în principal dedicată sistemelor de e-sănătate, bioingineriei medicale și ingineriei biomedicale, dar se adresează și domeniilor conexe. Scopul și obiectivele sale specifice sunt promovarea conceptelor și tehnologiilor hardware și software avansate în domeniile emergente ale e-sănătății, dispozitivelor și instrumentației medicale, procesarea de biosemnale și a imaginilor medicale, informatică medicală, biomecanică, biomateriale, biotehnologii, fizică medicală, managementul asistenței medicale, (e)-tehnologiilor de învățare, de reabilitare și asistență, precum și a unor discipline de ȋnalt interes, cum ar fi bioinformatica, biologia sistemelor și fiziologia virtuală. În acest sens, o parte dintre viitoarele provocări de vȃrf ale medicinei moderne, care e-sănătatea și bioingineria, sunt chemate să le abordeze, sunt: proteze complexe, noi dispozitive medicale și bioinstrumentație de diagnostic non-invaziv și tratament, instrumente robotice ghidate imagistic pentru intervenții chirurgicale, calculatoare si telecomunicații larg folosite ȋn intervenții medicale, tehnici imagistice noi și multimodale pentru a produce imagini ale structurilor corpului, de la organ la structurile sub-celulare, metode de diagnostic și terapii neinvazive sau proceduri minimal invazive, sisteme și tehnologii inteligente utilizate în ingineria reabilitării, noi posibilități de a furniza servicii de telemedicină și e-sănătate, precum și noi soluții de auto-îngrijire la domiciliu.
Un alt obiectiv permanent al conferinţei EHB 2022 este de a consolida caracterul interdisciplinar între cercetătorii din medicină şi tehnică, în cadrul generos al bioingineriei medicale. În plus, o atenţie deosebită trebuie să fie acordată în viitor pentru a direcţiona cercetarea la nevoile reale ale pacienţilor mileniului al 3-lea, prin utilizarea diferitelor proiecte naţionale şi internaţionale, parteneriate şi colaborări, inclusiv a programelor de cercetare europeană, precum şi a altor programe de cooperare în cadrul Spaţiului European de Cercetare (ERA).
Se pare că nu există nicio limită în ceea ce ar putea face bioingineria în următorii ani pentru a revoluționa practica medicală. De fapt, următoarele generații de bioingineri, vor dezvolta tehnici şi tehnologii pe care nu ni le putem încă imagina ci, cel mult, visa la ele.
Considerăm că și această ediție a conferinței EHB și-a atins scopurile propuse, atât prin nivelul științific de excepție, cât și prin organizarea evenimentului, iar reacțiile imediate ale participanților, transmise prin email, confirmă această afirmație. Toate detaliile despre desfășurarea conferinței IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, prezentările profesorilor invitați, workshop-urile organizate și programul manifestării sunt disponibile online pe site-ul conferinței EHB 2022 la adresa La cea de-a X-a ediţie a Conferinţei Internaţionale EHB 2022 au fost primite prin sistemul EasyChair un număr total de 284 lucrări. Procesul de evaluare a lucrărilor a fost unul de tip „double blind review” iar în urma acestuia au fost acceptate de către comisia ştiinţifică a EHB 2022 un număr de 216 lucrări.
Lucrări depuse: 284
Lucrări acceptate: 221
Lucrări respinse: 63
Autori: 987 din 38 de ţări
Participanţi: 239
Participanţi români: 144
Participanţi străini: 95 din 28 țări
Prezentări plenare: 4
Lucrările acceptate în urma procesului de evaluare au fost grupate pe 24 de sesiuni cuprinzand un număr total de 221 de lucrări și 4 prezentări plenare. Distribuţia lucrărilor pe sesiuni este prezentată în Tabelul 2.
La cea de-a 10-a ediţie a Conferinţei EHB 2022 au fost prezenţi 144 de participanți români cu 131 lucrări prezentate şi 95 de participanți străini din 28 țări.
Situaţia participanţilor pe ţări este prezentată în Tabelul 3.
Președintele conferinței a fost prof. univ. dr. ing. Hariton Costin, coordonarea Comitetului de organizare a fost asigurată de conf. dr. ing. Gladiola Petroiu iar responsabil pentru publicarea lucrărilor a fost
dl. conf. dr. ing. Cristian ROTARIU.



1. Viorel Scripcariu – Rector of the UMF Iași, Faculty of Medicine
2. Hariton Costin – UMF Iași, Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy, Iași Branch
3. Dan Zaharia – UMF Iasi, President of the Romanian Society of Medical Bioengineering
4. Anca Galaction – UMF Iași, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
5. Liliana Vereștiuc – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania, Co-chair
6. Alexandru Morega – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
7. Metin Akay – University of Houston, USA
8. Adrian Barbu – Florida State University, USA
9. Jose Bravo – Castilla-La Mancha University, Ciudad Real, Spain
10. Ivaylo Christov – Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Bulgaria
11. Fabrizio Clemente – National Research Council, Roma, Italy
12. Svetlana Cojocaru – Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Kishinev,
13. Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha – Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
14. Danilo De Rossi – University of Pisa, Italy
15. Valentin Drăgoi – University of Texas, USA
16. Carlo Frigo – Politecnico di Milano, Italy
17. Constantin Gaindric – Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Kishinev
18. Enrique J. Gomez – Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
19. Helmut Hutten – University of Technology, Graz, Austria
20. Ákos Jobbágy – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
21. Izzet Kale – University of Westminster, United Kingdom
22. Petr Kudrna – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
23. Ratko Magjarević – University of Zagreb, Croatia
24. Winfried Mayr – Medical University of Vienna, Austria
25. Konstantina Nikita – National Technical University of Athens
26. Nicolas Pallikarakis – University of Patras, Greece
27. Mihail Popescu – University of Missouri, USA
28. Octavian Postolache – Institute of Telecommunications, Lisbon, Portugal
29. Vladimir Rogalewicz – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
30. Karel Roubik – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
31. Martin Rožánek – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
32. Abdel-Badeeh Salem – Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
33. Francesco Sicurello – Bicocca University of Milan, IITM / AITIM, Italy
34. Maria Siebes – University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
35. Adrian Stoica – JPL-NASA, USA
36. Ion Tiginyanu – Academy of Sciences of Moldova
37. Vicente Traver Salcedo – Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
38. Milan Štork – University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic
39. Victor Șontea – Technical University of Moldova, Kishinev
40. Luminița Aura Vese – University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
41. Andreas Voss – University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany
42. Gheorghe Zaharia – Université Européenne de Bretagne, INSA-Rennes, France
43. Ioana Adochiei – Military Technical Academy Ferdinand I
44. Felix Adochiei – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
45. Adriana Albu – Polytechnic University of Timişoara, Romania
46. Ioana Dana Alexa – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medicine, Romania
47. Gladiola Andruseac – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
48. Iulian Antoniac – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
49. Florin Argatu – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
50. Dragoş Arotăriţei – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
51. Tudor Barbu – Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy Iași Branch
52. Mihaela Baritz – Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
53. Silviu Bejinariu – Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy Iași Branch
54. Radu Gabriel Bozomitu – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
55. Doina Bucur – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
56. Gheorghe Calopăreanu – Rector, National Defense University ”Carol I”, Romania
57. Radu Ciorap – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
58. Radu Ciupa – Technical University of Cluj – Napoca, Romania
59. Călin Corciovă – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
60. Daniela Danciu – University of Craiova, Romania
61. Valeriu David – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, Romania
62. Geta David – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
63. Dan Marius Dobrea – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
64. Radu Dobrescu – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
65. Bogdan Enache – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
66. Norina Forna – UMF Iași, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Romania
67. Oana Geman – Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
68. Lucian Gavrilă – Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Romania
69. Liviu Goraș – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
70. Carmen Grigoraș – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
71. Mircea Hulea – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
72. Horia Iovu – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
73. Sorin Jinga – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
74. Diana Lungeanu – University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timişoara, Romania
75. Marcela Mihai – Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania
76. Constanța Mocanu – Appolonia University, Iași, Romania
77. Mihaela Morega – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
78. Liana Moș – Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad, Romania
79. Anca Munteanu – UMF Iasi, Faculty of Medicine, Romania
80. Florin Munteanu – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
81. Loredana Niță, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania
82. Sever Paşca – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
83. Paraschiva Postolache – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medicine, Romania
84. Calin Popovici – Romanian Space Agency, Romania
85. Gabriel-Ioan Prada – Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
86. Radu-Emil Precup – Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania
87. Sorin Pușcoci – National Communications Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania
88. Gabriel-Lucian Radu – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
89. Dan Rafiroiu – Technical University of Cluj – Napoca, Romania
90. Cristian Rotariu – UMF Iași, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, Romania
91. Florin Rotaru – Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy Iași Branch
92. George Seritan – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
93. Loredana Stanciu – Polytechnic University of Timişoara, Romania
94. Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar – Polytechnic University of Timişoara, Romania
95. Vasile Stoicu-Tivadar – Polytechnic University of Timişoara, Romania
96. Mircea-Florin Vaida – Technical University of Cluj – Napoca, Romania
97. Constantin Vertan – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
98. Cristian Vizitiu – Institute of Space Science, Romania
99. Georgeta Zegan – UMF Iași, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Romania



Hariton Costin – UMF Iasi, Romania, General Chair
Gladiola Petroiu – UMF Iasi, Romania, Organizing Committee Chair Cristian Rotariu – UMF Iasi,
Romania, Conference Publication Chair
Anca Galaction – UMF Iasi, Romania Co-chair Liliana Vereștiuc – UMF Iasi Romania, Co-chair Dan
Zaharia – UMF Iasi, Romania, Co-chair
Călin Corciovă – UMF Iasi, Romania Radu Ciorap – UMF Iasi, Romania Anca Lazăr – UMF Iasi, Romania
Mădălina Poștaru – UMF Iasi, Romania Vera Bălan – UMF Iasi, Romania
Sînziana Anca Butnaru Moldoveanu – UMF Iasi, Romania
Daniel Boldureanu – UMF Iasi, Romania Dragoș Sardaru – UMF Iasi, Romania Doru Andriţoi – UMF Iasi,
Romania Robert Fuior – UMF Iasi, Romania Diana Costin – UMF Iasi, Romania
Felix Adochiei – Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania

Bioengineering Students – UMF Iasi, Romania

Instagram: @ehb.conference
Facebook: EHB conference