About Us
The Faculty of Pharmacy is the newest faculty at Titu Maiorescu University, licensed in June 2013. It represents the achievement of the TMU leadership effort to complete the triad of faculties dedicated to medical studies: the Faculty of Medicine, Dental Medicine and Pharmacy. The activity was inaugurated in October 2013, with the first generation of “Pharmacy buds” in the new building of laboratories belonging to the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The curriculum is 5 years of full-time education and is fully in line with national and EU requirements for this type of training. The structure of the activities has been adapted to the most recent requirements of modernizing education, with particularities specific to the pharmaceutical field, including the preparation of appropriate curricula with analytical programs of carefully selected disciplines.
The curriculum encompasses both mandatory disciplines for future pharmacists training and a rich array of optional courses to provide students with the development of complementary communication skills with patients, specific legislation, environmental issues, or entrepreneurship.
The Faculty aims to become a competitive private education institution in which its graduates acquire professional training qualitatively compatible with the current labor market requirements. Since its first year of operation, the faculty has set ambitious goals that will result in training students towards professional performance and responsibility.
The main objective is to carry out a quality, up-to-date, communication-based, flexible and participatory process of education, constantly focused on understanding the current context of the pharmaceutical industry and assisting the development of future pharmacists in line with labor market requirements.
The practical work of students is organized and carried out in collaboration with all types of institutions or businesses related to the pharmacy profession, from open pharmacies, drug companies and research institutions.
The Faculty of Pharmacy is expanding, adding new valences to the teaching and scientific work carried out in generous spaces where students and teachers carry out their day-to-day work. The courses take place in spacious amphitheatres, equipped with modern teaching techniques, and practical works are hosted in dedicated laboratories in the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Knowledge of fundamental and specialist disciplines is applied as practical skills with the most modern equipment, from drug synthesis facilities, to drug control, microbiological and botanical studies, biophysics and pharmaceutical chemistry. The training process in the Faculty of Pharmacy is oriented to the present and especially to the future, providing students with access to cutting-edge scientific information.
We consider it necessary and not to forget the roots so that a small pharmacy museum is arranged in the building of the faculty, as a tribute to the forerunners of the profession, an attempt to cultivate in the soul of the students the consciousness of the perennial value of this millenary profession, always in the service of community welfare .
The educational program is complemented by a two-pronged research program. One of them aims at integrating the research elements into the students’ activity from the early stages of their formation. Within the laboratories in the building dedicated to the Faculty of Pharmacy, students can participate in scientific circles, along with specialized teachers. The second direction consists in the development of fundamental and applied research groups in the pharmaceutical field, encouraging the participation of teachers and associate researchers in domestic and international research projects.
The efforts of the research teams of the Faculty of Pharmacy have resulted in the establishment of the Nanofarmacy Department of the Academic Research Institute “Academician N. Cajal” of Titu Maiorescu University.
It is also encouraged to participate in scientific events, both for teachers and students. The Faculty already has an active participation in the International Conference “Education and Creativity for a Knowledge Based Society”, organized annually at the University.
The university links with numerous universities in Europe must also be mentioned. The Faculty of Pharmacy has a continuing concern to achieve as many partnerships as possible with foreign education institutions, supporting Erasmus student mobility programs.