Project of the Faculty of Educational Sciences Communication and International Relations


The Faculty of Educational Sciences Communication and International Relations of Titu Maiorescu University organizes the TITU MAIORESCU CONFERENCES, an elite event of the Romanian academic space where prestigious personalities of the academic world, cultural, political and public life in Romania and abroad speak and answer the questions of the public. Conferences take place in the lecture-debate format, in an open, interactive manner.

Behind the spiritual heraldry “Titu Maiorescu” – the founder of modern Romanian civilization and culture – on the generous territory of Almei Mater, the MAIORESCU TITLE CONFERENCES aim to launch key themes to the public, to provoke reflection, dialogue and debate, to create an academic agora for the exchange of ideas.

In this conceptual framework, elite personalities of education, research, science, culture, art, representative names of the academic world and public life, academics, students and future students participate.

TITU MAIORESCU CONFERENCES is thus an open space for knowledge, in a world where Knowledge remains the fundamental factor of construction and progress.

The Faculty of Social, Political and Humanistic Sciences of Titu Maiorescu – a modern Alma Mater, built on the values of an academic Europe but open, creative and innovative, to the Challenges of the Third Millennium Knowledge – presents you with every edition of TITU MAIORESCU CONFERENCES, a challenge. We invite you to respond and respond in the same way: substantial, creative, innovative, under the sign of Ideas and Knowledge!


Associate Professor PHD. Sorin IVAN

Faculty of Educational Sciences Communication and International Relations