The Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Targu Jiu organizes courses and seminars for day education at the location in Târgu Jiu, Ecaterina Teodoroiu boulevard no. 100, Gorj county.

Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Targu Jiu has courses and seminars, computer laboratories, forensic laboratory, library and reading room, all of which are equipped with audiovisual equipment:
- 3 classrooms – 360 seats
- 4 seminar rooms – 160 seats
- 2 IT Laboratories – 50 places with access to the Internet and to the computer network of the University
- 2 Libraries + 1 Reading Room

The Library of the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences Târgu Jiu has a book fund of over 7000 copies, as well as subscriptions to the following publications:
- Law
- The Journal of Public Law
- Community Law Review
- Review of Penal Law
- Romanian Labor Law Review
- Work Relationships
- Economic Tribune
- Finance, banks, insurance
- Economics and Local Government
- Business management and accounting
- Computer Gazette
- Official Gazette of Romania – Part I