The research activity of the Faculty of Economic Sciences is carried out in accordance with the Regulation for organizing, conducting and financing the scientific research activity at Titu Maiorescu University and is based on a Strategic Plan conceived on various horizons of time, comprising the general objectives And specific themes, research topics, collectives and managers, timelines, modalities of exploitation and estimated costs. Both the Long-Term Strategic Plan and the Annual Operational Plans are endorsed by the Faculty Council and finally by the TMU Senate.

According to this plan, the general objectives of the scientific research activity are:

  • Promotion of scientific research from faculty to national and international standards through participation in the national / European and international research programs;
  • Involvement of young people in scientific research (teachers, PhD students, master students, students);
  • To tighten links with the business environment to provide solutions through research and technology transfer agreements to specific issues;
  • The multiplication of scientific partnerships and collaborations with various research institutes and universities in the country and abroad;
  • Attracting additional revenue from scientific research for faculty and university development.


The specific objectives of the scientific research activity are:

  • Access to structural and cohesion funds and national and international research projects competitions;
  • The conclusion of research and technology transfer contracts with the business environment;
  • Identifying ways to achieve a balance between research and teaching, depending on the specificity of each faculty, department, priority areas, funding sources, etc.
  • Elaboration of scientific works capitalized by:
    • Publication in specialized journals recognized by CNCIS, indexed in international databases and rated ISI with impact factor greater than 0;
    • Publishing in the proceedings of national and international conferences and conferences with visibility;
    • Participation in prestigious scientific events in the country and abroad.


The scientific research activity is an express task of each teacher, provided in the function states and job descriptions. Also, the students and master students of the Faculty take part in the research activity in various forms, mainly by:

  1. Independent scientific research conducted by teaching staff and completed by case studies, projects, diploma papers, dissertations and others;
  2. Participation in the realization of programs or projects coordinated by scientific research centers or scientific research teams;
  3. Supporting works during the sessions of student scientific circles;
  4. Writing articles for publication in student magazines.


The quality of the research activity carried out in our faculty is also evidenced by the data from the following table regarding the publications of the teachers:


Articles published in ISI rated journals2223
Articles published in magazines indexed by BDI24172114



The Faculty of Economic Sciences has acquired a tradition in organizing the annual scientific sessions of teachers and students. These events are aimed at encouraging and promoting the scientific research of students and teachers, as well as encouraging the collaboration between teachers and assistants in the writing of scientific research materials.

Thus, every year, in the section “Trends and Necessities in the Romanian Scientific Research generated by the Dynamics of the Globalized Economic Environment”, at the Annual International Conference of Titu Maiorescu University entitled EDUCATION AND CREATIVITY FOR A KNOWLEDGE-BASED SOCIETY organized in November, teachers Of our faculty participate with quality works, as unique authors or collaborators.


Other scientific events (conferences, symposiums, workshops, round tables) organized by the Faculty of Economic Sciences in the last 3 years were:


Title / Period


ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKSHOPS, April-May 2017Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
Advertising performance services for online businesses: Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads – workshop, May 2016Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
PFA versus societate comerciala. Avantaje si riscuri economice in desfășurarea activității 2016, Masă rotundăDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
Romanian Taxation vs. European Taxation, Ed. IV a. Debates on the New Fiscal Code – 2016, round tableDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
Considerations on the Paying Bill – implications for the banking, real estate and mortgage markets – 2016, Round TableDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
Debate on managing European funds for 2014-2020 – Opportunities and constraints for Romania. Conclusions after the end of the financial year 2007-2013 – 2016 Round TableDepartment of Finance and Business Administration, Department of Economics, Accounting and Management Informatics
Ecommerce. Workshop. Case study: Bio Republic, April 2016Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
HOW TO FIND ANGEL INVESTORS FOR YOUR START-UP, work-shop, April 2016Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
Story-Telling and Communication, work-shop, April 2016Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
The re-launch of the Romanian economy – a stringent necessity, Ed. A – III a, 2015, Round tableDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
Romanian Taxation versus European Taxation, 3rd Edition, 2015, Round TableDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
The importance of financial and banking education at the level of young people, second edition, 2015, round tableDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
Non-governmental lending in Romania – incentives and obstacles, 2015, Round tableDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
Business Management using ERP Systems, 2015, Round TableDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
The re-launch of the Romanian economy – a stringent necessity, Ed. II – 2014, round tableDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
Romanian Taxation versus European Taxation, 2nd Edition, 2014, workshopDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
Adoption of the unique currency in Romania – calendar, benefits, costs, 2014, workshopDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
“Trends in Advertising Graphics. Plat vs Realist, Workshop, March 2014Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
4 Online Marketing Workshops, April-May 2014Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
Are you ready for the job interview? Work-shop, February 2014Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
“Job Market Scholarship – Active Employment Action”, 1st Edition – 8 April 2014Center for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
Business Management Using ERP Systems, 2014, Round TableCenter for Excellence for Higher Education in Higher Economic Education of FBCAA
Modernizing and increasing the performance of the educational system in Romania by implementing integrated IT solutions for learner bookkeeping and management, eLearning, teacher evaluation, track record of trainees, etc., Workshop, 2013Department of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
The re-launch of the Romanian economy – a stringent necessity, 2013, workshopDepartment of Finance and Business Administration
Romanian tax versus European taxation, 2013, workshopDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology
The Importance, Impact and Use of Online Social Networks, 2013 Round TableDepartment of Economics, Accounting and Management Information Technology


Establishing partnerships in the field of scientific research has been a constant concern at the faculty level. Since 2010, the Faculty of Economic Sciences has concluded collaboration agreements in the economic scientific research with the Victor Slăvescu Financial and Monetary Research Center of the Romanian Academy and the University of Chişinău. They materialize in mutual support in the conduct of research projects, the organization of scientific sessions and symposia, as well as in the formation of consortia to participate in internal and international research competitions.

Other strategic partnerships completed over the past 3 years by the Faculty through the Center for Excellence for Quality Enhancement in Higher Economic Education set up in December 2013 were with the following entities and organizations:

  • Beans United