Titu Maiorescu University



Following the Agreement concluded in 2009 between the Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Romania and the Rector of Titu Maiorescu University, the European Documentation Center (EDC) of the Titu Maiorescu University was established. This Documentation Center is part of Europe Direct’s information network managed by the European Commission and operates at the Titu Maiorescu University Library.

On the basis of the signed agreement, EDC receives, free of charge, publications of the institutions of the European Union distributed by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities in Luxembourg.

The Commission also supports EDCs in carrying out its tasks (inter alia by training and providing information to EDC librarians, and by facilitating access to other support and networking activities).

The European Documentation Center promotes and conducts studies and researches in the field of European integration. It also provides information to the public on the European Union, where appropriate together with other European information services and networks.

The European Documentation Center processes, catalogs and indexes all community publications received in a unique collection. These publications are available and can be consulted at the headquarters, as well as on their own website.


Coordinator: Professor PhD. Nicolae VOICULESCU

Chief Librarian: Adelina Georgiana Mihai
